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Get STEEL-SC rates in Troy ounces with an Alternative to Xignite

Do you need to get Steel scrap rates in ounces with an alternative API to Xignite? We can help you with that change!

Sometimes, it can be exhausting to find data regarding the newest developing metal markets. The Steel Scap is a new activity that collects dismissed steel products. Generally, they are apart from the beginning of their composition. The amount left is suitable for melting processes. There are three different ways of scraping which are currently in use as feedstock in the steel industry.

Lately, this technic is trendy because it reduces carbon dioxide emissions. In every scraping place, there’s also a recycling plant to complete the process against climate change. It’s possible to scrap steel thanks to heat and electricity. Sometimes, the production incorporates gas burners to help with the melting.

Turkey is the first country in the world in being an importer of steel scrap. On the other hand, the exportation gathers nations from first economies such as the United States, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. An API will show you the latest numbers and their fluctuating rhythm in any currency.

Get STEEL-SC rates in Troy ounces with an Alternative to Xignite

A simplified alternative to Xignite to obtain STEEL-SC rates

The simple choice is Metals-API, with a trajectory of six years in the business of precious metals data. It offers several advantages daily, such as historical data on more than a hundred world currencies and a considerable amount of precious metals. This API combines a lightweight circuit and a reliable, bank-level security system. Correspondingly, you can be tranquil regarding the private information required by Metals-API.

An accessible API as an alternative to Xignite

If you’re calculating whether you can afford a Metals-API account or not, we suggest, in the first place, checking prices because there are many options. Also, you can start with a Free Account that has a waiting time of forty-eight minutes as a limit. But if you’re looking for an alternative API to your enterprise: there’s a specific subscription available with unlimited API calls per year.

All the packages have a monthly limit. You can downgrade or upgrade the account whenever it’s necessary. It takes just a little time for the API to adequate the features of a different category. A higher subscription means that more API calls will be at your disposal and less waiting time.

Get STEEL-SC rates in Troy ounces with an Alternative to Xignite

How to start using Metals-API 

1 – Create an account on their website:
2 – Search the three-letter symbols that match your search.
3 – Make an API call with them, placing your selected metals in a code and your preferred currency in the base currency.
4- Wait for the answer. It won’t take long.

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Published inApps, technology