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Get Ruthenium Rates in Metric Tones With This Free API

Check out this free precious metals api to obtain Ruthenium prices in metric tones for free!

Get Ruthenium Rates in Metric Tones With This Free API

Ruthenium is produced by isolating it from other platinum metals that it coexists with, such as platinum, palladium, and osmium. These metals are generally acquired as by-products of nickel metal processing. A sequence of chemical reactions then separates them from one another. Ruthenium is one of the most efficient hardeners for platinum and palladium, and it’s used to establish electrical connections with these metals for extreme wear resistance. It is used as an alloy with platinum in some jewellery. Ruthenium hasn’t been linked to any biological processes.

Ruthenium, like the other platinum group metals, is a rare metal in the earth’s crust. It is very uncommon, occurring in just 0.0004 parts per million of the earth’s crust. It is the sixth rarest metal in the earth’s crust due to its low abundance. The goal of creating combined ruthenium-platinum catalysts is to take use of the catalytic capabilities of both metals. Ruthenium, which may dissociate hydrogen molecules, boosts the catalyst’s activity, while platinum prevents it from deactivating too quickly.

Due to the high market demand for this material, ruthenium is a precious metal for trading on the stock exchange. Although there are countries that trade it to a greater extent.To keep up to date with the movements of the ruthenium and the Canadian dollar, we recommend the use of the Metals-API.

Get started with Metals-API

We recommend beginning with this Metals-API because it gives quick access to data on metals and currencies. This software uses JSONP callbacks, a responding system that uses an accessible language to reply to your request and tell you whether the information you want is available or not. The answer will take up to an hour with a free subscription.

To send a request, you’ll need an API key to enter into the API base URL’s access key; this is how the metals-API API authenticates your key. It might look intricate, but it is not that hard.

Once you get the API key, you can request data in different world currencies and metal rates. In addition, depending on your subscription, you can demand historical data rates, data fluctuation between two certain dates, and other features.

Get Ruthenium Rates in Metric Tones With This Free API

How to Use Metals-API?

1 – Register on On the right side of the page, there’s a button called ‘API-key’, click it.
2 – Look for the symbols that fit your search.
3 – Make an API call with them. But first, establish a three-letter code for your chosen metals and a base currency for your desired currency.

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