Ruthenium is one of the most widely used metals of recent times. Outside of gold and silver, there are not many metals that are used for jewelry. But it began to gain traction in the upper eches of society.
While metals are usually of special importance for their use in manufacturing, the real millionaire values were in those that gave the name to precious metals. But since gold is at stratospheric levels, investments are targeting these newcomers like the Ruthenium.
The best way to stay on top of these types of metals is an API. APIs give results instantly thanks to the use of Machine Learning. For this reason, the problem is which one to use.

Up-and-coming investments have very drastic changes from one moment to the next. That’s why having access to an API like Metals-API can be the best tool. The call APIs in this service allows them to have updates every hour and even every 60 seconds.
For programmers, it is one of the best and most used because it gives the results in JavaScript Object Notation, better known as JSON, of which we leave an explanation here below.
A text-based structured data encoding standard based on JavaScript object syntax. It is frequently used to send data in web applications.
A simple jQuery.ajax example for getting exchange rate data via the Metals-API API’s latest endpoint.
// set endpoint and your access key endpoint = 'latest' access_key = 'API_KEY'; // get the most recent exchange rates via the "latest" endpoint: $.ajax({ url: '' + endpoint + '?access_key=' + access_key, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(json) { // exchange rata data is stored in json.rates alert(json.rates.GBP); // base currency is stored in json.base alert(json.base); // timestamp can be accessed in json.timestamp alert(json.timestamp); } });

Metals APIDrupal Module and WordPress Plugin
Metals-API Drupal module has a lot of options for presenting both preferred and most current metal pricing. If you just want a daily snapshot of precious metal prices, this free license will suffice. The drupal module can refresh the rate once a day (every 24 hours), and it will stay within the free license’s 50 requests per month limit. Additional daily refreshes will require the purchase of a paid license, which may be obtained at a fair cost. You can also use the Metals-API WordPress Plugin, which consumes, caches, and generates precious metal price blocks.
Main Features
- Periodicity in real time, history, and tick-by-tick API
- Real-time precious metals prices Gold, silver, palladium, and platinum are the four precious metals API
- Real-time metal prices metal of the platinum group and base metals API
- Intraday and historical charts AP
- Spot and future prices of gold, silver, palladium, and platinum throughout history