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Get Rubber Rates In Japanese Yen With An API

Are you looking for the perfect way to get rubber rates in Japanese Yen? Then an API is the best solution for you!

Rubber is a flexible substance that is also known as latex or caucho. It is frequently used in elastic rubber bands, erasers, vehicle tires, and other applications because to its hardness, elasticity, and durability. The term comes from the fact that this chemical is claimed to be effective at erasing pencil markings off paper.

Although Russia and its former republics, France, Germany, and the United States are among the world’s biggest synthetic rubber makers, the Far East continues to produce the bulk of natural rubber today. The Harbel Rubber Plantation, located west of Monrovia, Liberia, Africa, and created by the Firestone tire corporation in the 1920s and 1930s, is the world’s largest single source of latex rubber.

Get Rubber Rates In Japanese Yen With An API

Japan is one of the driving factors behind the global rubber industry’s expansion. Every year, the tyre industry consumes more than 65 percent of the rubber consumed in Japan. Japanese tyre manufacturers have established a global reputation for innovation in tyre technology and value chain management systems.

Japan is a major manufacturer of synthetic rubber, with twelve businesses running synthetic rubber production units. In 2017, this country produced around 1.62 million tonnes and used approximately 0.88 million tonnes of synthetic rubber. Japan’s research and development work in rubber goods is not confined to tyres and automotive parts.

With this in mind, then you probably want to invest in this commodity and stay updated about their rates in Japanese Yen. This can be a difficult task, but it can be fulfilled by using an API.

About APIs

This is a technology used by many websites and may be used for a number of purposes. To utilize this, you must locate software that allows you to access the API once per hour. There are many of them available online, but you should be cautious about which one you select because not all of them function in the same manner or produce the same effects.

To save time and money, we strongly advise you to utilize Commodities-API, one of the most advantageous commodity rate tools accessible. This API collects price data every minute from over 15 reliable data sources, including banks and financial data.

Get Rubber Rates In Japanese Yen With An API

To get the API with hourly price, you must first do the following:

  1. Create your own API key at
  2. Find the Rubber and Japanese Yen symbols. These are RUBBER and JPY.
  3. Using these symbols, locate the product and money in the list. After you’ve settled on them, make the API call.
  4. Look for the most up-to-date rates. The website will give you an API in a variety of computer languages that you may tweak and use in any way you see fit.

The result will be:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "RUBBER",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,

Regarding Commodities-API

Commodities-API can provide real-time commodity data with a 2 decimal point precision and a frequency of up to 60 seconds. Exchange rates for practically every commodity are provided, as well as Precious Metals, currency conversion, Time-Series data, and volatility statistics.

Rice, wheat, coffee, corn, sugar, Brent crude oil, West Texas Intermediate crude oil, soybeans, gold, silver, and other commodities all gain. This API delivers precise commodity and exchange rate data for nearly every commodity, as well as 170 different foreign currencies, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology