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Get rhenium prices in the Tokyo Stock Exchange with an API

Do you need to obtain rhenium prices in the Tokyo SE with an API? Here you’re going to read an alternative for you!

Rhenium is a transition metal, refractory and resistant to corrosion. It has a silver-white colour and is solid. The compounds that belong to this metal are easy to dissolve in water.

The applications of this metal go from jewellery to the chemical industry. Small quantities of this metal can work as a conductor of electricity. Also, it’s a component to make the flash of cameras. Besides, rhenium contributes to medicine: Chilean scientists use it to diagnose and treat cancer because doctors use it to attack cancer cells.

The discovery of this metal was in the year 1925 by three german scientists due to its presence in several minerals near the Rin river. But until the year 1971, when Chile opened its metallurgical industry, that rhenium remained with industrial uses. Nowadays, the biggest productions take place in Chile and Kazakhstan. In the extraction of rhenium, the United States, Peru, Russia, Canada and Armenia made their contribution and in the present too.

Get rhenium prices in the Tokyo Stock Exchange with an API

Obtain rhenium prices with an API like Metals-API

We’re talking about Metals-API, which offers precious metals data in real-time. Besides, they can get prices of 170 currencies from all around the world. They work with banks’ information and the most important stock exchanges like the Tokyo Stock Exchange or the ones based in New York and London. If you check their website, in the landing part, you can see the logos of many relevant enterprises, which are clients of metals-API too.

The simplicity of its method is the signature of this API. Only by creating an account and choosing a subscription, you’re ready to send your questions. If the rates are available, the callback system will answer by texting the word ‘true’; on the contrary, it will send a ‘false’ followed by an error code. The complete list of errors is available on their website; you can take a look for a better understanding of the answer.

The speed’s return depends on the pack; it can be a free account or paid option. With the last option, you pay yearly for a package. There are six alternatives available with limits of API calls per month. The premium account called “Forever” has a time-response of sixty seconds.

Get rhenium prices in the Tokyo Stock Exchange with an API

Follow this path to get rhenium prices with an API 

  1. Look for the web page by entering and register.
  2. Click on the API key button to start. 
  3. Take a look at the list of codes of metals and currencies to elaborate your query.
  4. Make an API call and wait for the return. 

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Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology