Do you want to learn how to obtain income information? You only need a corporate website and an API to get started!
The entire amount of revenue earned through the sale of goods or services connected to the company’s principal business is referred to as revenue. Because it appears at the top of the income statement, revenue, also known as gross sales, is sometimes referred to as the “top line.”
To keep up on earnings announcements, some shareholders use internet services such as the Nasdaq online earnings calendar. Earnings reports from previous years may be obtained in a variety of media. We’ll teach you how to acquire all of this data using an API and a corporate website, though.
What is an API?
A communication interface that connects two computers or apps is known as an API. When you make a call to an API, you’ll get a response that’s related to the data you’re looking for. This is used by a lot of websites and apps, and it’s one of the most useful ways to get data from somewhere else that you can then use as your own.
There are a few options for different software available online that just require the URL of a company’s website in order to access the API. For example, you could be curious about Twitter’s revenue. Simply put into it to get the API that will provide you with the information you want.
However, not all software can provide you with this information, so choose carefully because you might waste a lot of money and effort. To save you some time, we’ll recommend you our favorite API for the task.
Klazify is one of the most comprehensive domain APIs available at the moment. It’s a free and widely used Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning Engine API for website classification. JSON, PHP, and Python will all be used to display the response.
- Get the company website URL.
- Go to and sign in to acquire your own private API key.
- Paste the domain into the provided field, then confirm that you are not a robot and submit it.
- You will then receive the API response in one or more programming languages.
- Look for the revenue tag and save the data.
That’s all there is to it! It’s really straightforward, and you and your organization can utilize it for a variety of purposes.

Is This a Safe Alternative?
Yes, it certainly is! This platform will travel to the appropriate domain name or URL, gather data, and build appropriate categorizes based on an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, which may be used for 1-to-1 personalization, marketing segmentation, internet filtering, and other applications. As a result, the URL or domain can be classified into a variety of categories.
Klazify‘s classification is ideal for internet filtering and security applications, and the best part is that they handle practically all foreign languages and domains.
Sign up to Klazify here
Also published on Medium.