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Get Movie’s Rating On IMDB With This API

Surely you already know what IMDB is but for those who don’t, we will try to make a brief summary to understand why having it’s Movie Rating in our Movies ans Series Database API is a very powerful tool to position yourself on the web or apps.

According to Wikipedia: 

“The Internet Movie Database, or IMDb for short, is an online database that contains data about movies, TV shows, home videos, video games, and streaming entertainment online. 

It includes cast, crew, and personal biographies as well as narrative summaries, trivia, ratings, and reviews from fans and critics. 

In 1990, the Usenet group “rec.arts.movies” hosted IMDb, a fan-run movie database. In 1993, IMDb made the transition to the Web. Currently,, Inc., an Amazon subsidiary, owns and runs it.

Around 10.1 million titles, including television episodes, and 11.5 million human entries were present in the database as of March 2022. In addition, 83 million individuals have registered on the website. The message forums on the website were shut down in February of 2017.” 


User rating of movies

In addition to facts, the IMDb also provides a scale for users to rank movies on a range of one to ten.

According to IMDb, user ratings are filtered and weighted in different ways to create a weighted mean that is presented for each movie, TV show, and other item. In order to prevent attempts to defeat it, it simply declares that filters are used to prevent ballot stuffing. 

Actually, it occasionally results in a significant discrepancy between the weighted average and the arithmetic mean.


Based on ratings submitted by the website’s registered users who used the aforementioned techniques, the IMDb Top 250 is a ranking of the top 250 movies. Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption, which debuted at No. 1 in 2008, continues to hold that position as of February 22, 2022. 

Only “regular voters'” ratings are used to determine the “Top 250” ranking. It is unknown how many votes a registered user would need to cast in order to be categorized as a frequent voter.

I think that we can already affirm and agree that we have part of the applications of one of the databases with the most traffic on the web in the world.

What is the price of the Movie and Series Database API?

Surely after all this information you will be thinking that this Movie and Series Database API is very expensive, but you will be surprised to know that it has four more than adequate plans to adapt to your needs or those of your company.

We provide four incredibly diversified Movie and Series Database API plan choices to meet every need you (or your business) may have.

The first fulfills 100 Requests per month under the non-cost plan.

The Basic plan, which permits 1,000 requests each month, is the next tier up.

The Pro package with 10,000 Requests per Month is listed below.

The third option is Pro Plus, which gets 100,000 inquiries each month.

As if these four fantastic plans weren’t enough, we also have a brand-new Custom plan that you may modify to suit the changing needs of your company.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology