Are you interested in investing in Magnesium? Did you know you could do it with different currencies? Read this article and find out about your possible ways to grow your economy!
Magnesium is an alkali metal with a low atomic number. It is very abundant in nature, and is found in significant amounts in many rock minerals, such as dolomite, magnesite, olivine, and serpentine. It is also found in seawater, underground brines and salt beds.
Magnesium is obtained by two different methods. One of them consists of reducing the ore in electric furnaces with calcium carbide or other reducing agents. In the other, the metal is obtained in two phases: chlorination of the ore (magnesia, dolomite or giobertite) and electrolysis at 700°C of the molten chloride.

Globally, the countries that produce the most magnesium are China, Malaysia and the United States. Magnesium has become a highly coveted type of product because its alignment with aluminum is capable of forming various forms of computer boards, batteries, and even certain types of cables.
Due to this, countries like Japan that are leaders in the production and manufacture of cell phones, computers and technologies that contain the thermal conductivity product that is produced with magnesium have put their interest in investing in this type of metal, in order to expand their technological productions. To do this, they use Metals-API
What Is Metals-API?
It is a free website that works through an API that aims to find rates for metals and various currencies in the world. It has a response level of 60 seconds and has up to 170 coins to search for data on.

Trusted All Around The World
Thousands of developers, SMBs, and major companies utilize every day. Metals-API has a strong data foundation and six years of expertise, making it the most reliable source for real-time precious metals rates.
Easy To Use
Metals-API it´s very simple to use, just follow this guide:
- Create an account in the website
- Look for symbols that correspond to your quest.
- Make an API call to them, specifying the metals you want to use in the symbol field and your choice currency in the base currency field.
Sources That You Can Trust
Metals-API obtains currency data from financial data providers and institutions, including the European Central Bank. The Metals-API API uses bank-grade 256-bit SSL encryption to protect your connection.