This article is all about Linkedin. How to get information from global companies through just and URL, and more. This is due to the performance of APIs.
Why Get LinkedIn Profiles?
Linkedin is a social network geared at business use, commerce, and employment. Starting with each user’s profile, which includes a free disclosure of both their strengths and weaknesses, the website connects millions of employers and employees. Therefore, Linkedin is one of the greatest professionals where you can connect and get information from individuals and professionals.
Hence, through this network, you will be able to analyse and get to know the information from any Global Companie you desire. An aspect that can be extremely beneficial for you for different reasons. Maybe because it is a direct competitor of yours and you want to know about their presence or projects on Linkedin. Maybe because you are barely starting and want to get inspiration. Or because you are looking for capable professionals and would like to know the experience of certain employees companies.
Evidently, the reasons are vast but they all have something in common. You will be beneficiated no matter your reason for looking to analyse the companies. Let me tell you this is an extremely easy task to carry out. You just have to use a data API and you are ready to go.

APIs are application programming interfaces whose main job is the provision of information. Obviously, in our case, it would be the provision of Linkedin profiles. They are the intermediary between two software. Yours and the one from where this data enrichment tool is recollecting data. As a result, you will the information you desire in minutes, even seconds.
Also, with them, you can analyse the texts embodied on the profile of the company. This will definitely enhance your insight into them. What they are trying to say, their values, and more. Of course, not all kinds of APIs provide this. You have to go for one with data analysis and classification features. I have the perfect API for this: Klazify
Klazify is considered a data enrichment API that has it all. You do not need much to get a Linkedin profile of global companies. Just an email, URL, or domain. On top of that with the link to the profile, you can also diverse kinds of data. For instance, logos, social media, and more!
As you can see, Klazify is an API that with little does a lot of work. On top of that, it is known because of the Smart Categorization Technology that characterizes this text analysis API. Yes, it will be able to get insights from unstructured text. From information embodied in the profile and follow to categorize it. As a result, you will get a clearer context into the information by it being classified by theme and subject.
Actually, Klazify is a text classification API that provides you with more than 385 categories. This way, you will always find a category that will match exactly the data you are analysing. With this information, now you are ready to start taking advantage of all Klazify has to offer.