Today we bring you this License Plate Recognition API and we also tell you why you should hire this service.
Has a situation of injustice ever happened to you in the middle of the street? For example, a vehicle damages yours and runs away so fast that you didn’t have time to take note of its license plate.
If your local video surveillance system had this License Plate Recognition API, this type of unfair situation would no longer be a problem because in a matter of a few seconds this vehicle in question would be fully identified with the sole need to provide the time and area of the event occurred.
You will never have to worry about identifying patents again because our License Plate Recognition API will do it for you, easily, quickly and safely. In addition to offering a large number of facilities to identify the vehicles in question.
Forget about shaky photos or poorly recorded videos because our License Plate Recognition API has the possibility of accurately identifying each patent without the need for the image obtained to be clear or sharp, the AI that works for this tool takes care of obtaining it anyway.

How does this License Plate Recognition API works?
The software of this License Plate Recognition API requires seven primary algorithms for identifying a license plate:
- Plate localization is in charge of locating and isolating the plate on the image.
- Plate orientation and sizing – compensates for plate skew and adjusts dimensions to required size
- Normalization is the process of adjusting the brightness and contrast of an image.
- Character segmentation identifies the various characters on the plates.
- Recognition of optical characters
- Check characters and positions against country-specific rules using syntactical/geometrical analysis.
- Averaging the recognized value across multiple fields/images to produce a more reliable or confident result, especially since any single image may contain a reflected light flare, be partially obscured, or have other obfuscating effects.

The complexity of each of these program subsections determines the accuracy of the License Plate Recognition API system. During the third phase (normalization), some systems use edge detection techniques to increase the image difference between the letters and the plate backing. A median filter can also be used to reduce visual noise in images.
Of course, there are numerous issues that could complicate the License Plate Recognition API process, but some of these issues can be resolved within the software; the hardware side of the system is primarily responsible for finding solutions. Increasing the camera’s height may avoid problems with objects obscuring the plate (such as other vehicles), but it introduces and exacerbates other issues, such as adjusting for the plate’s increased skew.
For all these reasons that we have detailed above, we are more than convinced that you will be able to find what you need in one of our 4 License Plate Recognition API plans that we offer, but in the event that these options do not satisfy your needs, we can adapt to them with our newest plan. customizable.
Also published on Medium.