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Get LBXPDAM in Troy Ounces with an API

Are you in a hurry to get Palladium (LBXPDAM) rates in troy ounces? We have an API that can take you out of the run!

In the precious metal market prices and world currencies area, the LBMA of Palladium and Platinum is an institution with many years of experience focused on gold and silver, besides palladium and platinum. It is controlled independently by the London Metal Exchange, a traditional metal trader with an international reputation. The clients of this company are relevant players in the global market too. One of them is the Bank of China and several private banking institutions from different countries.

Though palladium is historically cheaper than platinum, these days, the price of this metal has increased drastically. Nowadays, its market depends predominantly on the automotive area; on the contrary, the jewellery area doesn’t require it anymore like in other moments. Industrial production acquires most of the palladium all over the globe.

The calculation in troy ounces is a mandatory convert activity for the LBMA because it is specifically serviceable to calculate the weight of precious metals such the palladium. An API can connect all these institutions and amounts of data in one communication.

Get LBXPDAM in Troy Ounces with an API

Get LBXPDAM with an API such as Metals-API

First of all, this API works with banks’ information from sixteen sources like the London Metal Exchange and the European Exchange Bank. This data is updated every day: it’s available for your consult after midnight. For now, it looks like it’s the perfect match for your search in LBMA palladium am.

Now, regarding the API’s answer, it works with JSONP callbacks: a response system with an accessible language code to decode the returning. Firstly, you’ll get a ‘true’ or ‘false’ depending on the availability of the information. If you receive the second option, it will follow a code error. You can check the complete list of possible errors on its website:

Instructions to get LBXPDAM rates by using Metals-API

1- Search for the web page and create a username.
2- Save your password for future requests.
3- Send your query to JSONP callbacks after seeing the list of symbols you need.

Get LBXPDAM in Troy Ounces with an API

Respect for personal information with Metals-API

This API requires little private information from their clients. Despite that, they have a security system with the same qualities as a bank. It saves you information encrypted, including what kind of data you request. Certainly, all the safety measures are permanently under professional revision to keep up with the latest technological innovations.

Finally, there’s an option to remove your data from the storage. Then, if you feel your details don’t have to be in the database, the alternative is available.

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Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology