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Get LBMA Platinum Rates In JSON API

Do you wish to obtain LBMA platinum rates? Then use a JSON API!

Platinum has the lowest reactivity of any metal. It is classified as a noble metal due to its outstanding corrosion resistance, even at high temperatures. As a result, native uncombined platinum is common. It was utilized to make objects by pre-Columbian South American Indians since it occurs naturally in alluvial sands of numerous rivers.

After decreasing by 18 percent in 2020 owing to lockdowns and other operational constraints, global platinum output is predicted to rebound by 21.9 percent in 2021 to 6,028koz as demand from the automotive, industrial, and jewelry sectors recovers. South Africa, the world’s largest producer, is predicted to be a major contributor to this rise in supply, with a 34.7 percent increase in output.

Get LBMA Platinum Rates In JSON API

In contrast, the London Bullion Market Group (LBMA) is a worldwide trade group that represents the global OTC bullion market and advertises itself as the “global authority on precious metals.” It has around 150 members worldwide, who include merchants, refiners, producers, miners, fabricators, and those who offer storage and safe transit.

It promotes market governance and long-term growth, allowing all market players to operate with confidence. As seen by its care of the worldwide recognized London Good Delivery Lists and Responsible Sourcing program, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) is the standard-setting agency that oversees how precious metals are refined and sold.

With this in mind, you can undoubtedly understand why obtaining platinum LBMA rates is crucial, considering that we’re dealing with two of the most important components of the precious metals industry. As a result, if you wish to invest in this commodity, you must be up to date on its current pricing. This can be achieved thanks to an Application Programming Interface (API).

What Is This?

This is a piece of software that allows two programs to communicate with one another. An API is utilized every time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone.

Before you use one, look for a decent software that offers it. Many of them are available on the internet, however not all of them include the same information. As a result, you must exercise prudence in your decision-making to prevent wasting your time with a terrible experience.

As a result, we strongly recommend that you use Metals-API, which is now one of the most popular and comprehensive APIs for precious metal values. This tool may supply you with a large number of metals and currencies to choose from and use on your website.

Get LBMA Platinum Rates In JSON API

To use it, you must do the following:

  1. At, you may generate your own API key.
  2. Look for the LBMA Platinum (LBXPTAM) and your preferred currency symbols.
  3. Before concluding the API call, use these symbols to add metal and money to the list. You may also choose a programming language and a price range.
  4. Finally, you hit the “run” button, and you’re done! The API will be displayed on your screen.

The majority of APIs provide results in Javascript Object Notation, a popular programming language (JSON). This is a simple data transport format that everyone may read and write. JSON is a language-agnostic text format that employs C-family programming standards. Because of these properties, JSON is a good data-interchange language.

More About This Tool

Metals-API originated as a simple, lightweight Open-Source API for current and historical precious metals prices for banks. Metals-API API can offer real-time precious metals data with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to 60 seconds through API. All of these capabilities include providing precious metals exchange rates, converting single currencies, offering Time-Series data, volatility data, and the day’s lowest and highest price. This API can give exact precious metal exchange rate data in over 170 international currencies, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology