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Get Iridium Historical Rates Using An API

Do you want to get iridium historical rates? We show you how to get it with an API.

First, iridium is considered one of the rarest metals in the world. It’s the most corrosion-resistant metal element, resistant to oxygen, water, salts, and acids, and it’s almost as dense as osmium, the densest metal.

This metal is used in all spin electrical devices, from the read/write heads that transmit data to and from your computer’s hard disk to emerging magnetic random access memory, or MRAM, a higher-performance, energy-efficient alternative to conventional RAM and DRAM, the price of this metal is extremely high.

The global demand for iridium in 2021 is expected to rise to around 267,000 ounces. This shows how this metal is too important in this industry, that’s why if you want to invest in this industry, you should know the historical rates in order to compare the prices. With an API you will be able to get all the information in real-time.

Get Iridium Historical Rates Using An API

An API stands for application programming interface (API). Before sending data to the user who requested it, this technology collects data from a variety of sources and from a specific location.

This is a method for computers and computer programs to communicate with one another. It’s a type of software interface that provides a service to other programs.

Finding a clear pricing website, tool, or program that provides historical rates in real-time might be difficult. You should choose Metals-API, which is the greatest API software and the most accurate because it collects data from more than 15 reliable data sources, including banks and financial institutions.

To obtain historical rates, follow these steps:

  1. To get your API key, go to
  2. In the website’s list, look for the lead symbol and currency sign you want to use.
  3. Make the API call after adding metal and money to the list with these symbols. You can use JSON or PHP as a programming language.
  4. The historical rates of most currencies may be found all the way back to 2019. You can query the Metals-API API for historical rates by adding a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to the basic URL.

The following is how the request should be written:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = IRD
& symbols = USD,CAD,EUR

The end result is as follows:

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "IRD",
"rates": {
"USD": 1.636492,
"EUR": 1.196476,
"CAD": 1.739516

Why Metals-API?

Metals-API allows developers to programmatically retrieve metal price information from the web, mobile, and desktop applications. Our API is compatible with Java, Python, and PHP. Prices for Iridium, gold, bronze and other metals are updated frequently.

Get Iridium Historical Rates Using An API

Metal-API offers information on rates and historical rates of any metal in real-time, you will be able to take advantage of the current trend in the market. Besides, it provides the current and past prices in a more practical way for you to do your analysis.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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