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Get Geolocation Data From An IP Address In Python

You’ve probably heard of geolocation data, and you definitely know what an IP address is—but did you know that you can use the two together to create a whole new world of exciting applications?

What is geolocation?

Geolocation allows you to pinpoint information about a user’s location, whether that’s their exact latitude and longitude, their timezone, or even the city they’re in. With this information, you can help your users find the content they’re looking for more quickly by locating the nearest store or office for them. You can also add relevant ads and offers to your site based on where your users are from.

Get Geolocation Data From An IP Address In Python

Python is an easy-to-learn programming language that’s been growing in popularity over the last few years. One reason it’s so popular is that it has a simple syntax—the way code looks written out—and you don’t have to worry about punctuation as much as with other languages like Java. It allows you to work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.

You should use an API to get geolocation data from an IP address in Python because it makes it super easy and quick to do so. It’s also far less coding than doing it manually.


Get Geolocation Data From An IP Address In Python

ipXapi is a free website monitoring application that also serves as a sophisticated geolocation and IP address identification tool. Because of its database and API, this service provides a high level of accuracy in IP statistics. It is linked to a number of well-known ISPs, who provide regular updates on new and current IP ranges. Because ipXapi is connected to several channels that provide real-time IP data, the API’s database is updated daily, with up to 24 database revisions each day.

The program supports IPv4 and IPv6 and offers IP data such as ping response time and location, device type and connection speed, hostname resolution, DNS control, IP network access details, SSL certificate information, WHOIS name server search, and many more features. You may browse its database at any time to get a full image of IP addresses, cities, and countries.

How to use it:

  1. Sign up for an account at
  2. Enter the IP address from which you wish to obtain data.
  3. Send it out and see how many people respond.
  4. Save the API to your computer and use it as needed.

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Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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