If you are looking to figure out how to determine how many people work for a company, you need to try this API.
Knowing the employee range of a company can be extremely beneficial to your business. This is due to the fact that you may divide clients and competitors into distinct groups and then tailor your message and products to each group. A large number of employees indicates that the organization is large and successful, which is significant and useful information for you to know.
However, you won’t be able to find this kind of information readily. As a result, we strongly advise using an API to obtain it. This is a user interface that gathers data from a location and then sends it to the person who requested it. This technology is used by many well-known websites since it is quite useful for a variety of applications.
When you make a request to an API, you get a response right away. In the case of a domain, you’ll gain access to all of the information that the company’s website has kept hidden from its visitors, such as what technology they employ and where they’re based, among other things.
You may find a lot of APIs that return firm info with just a domain or an URL if you search online. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that not all of them work in the same way. As a result, there is one of the most comprehensive corporate APIs available: Klazify. This software can give you all of the information you need concerning employee salaries and much more.
Why Klazify?
Klazify is one of the most thorough tools for demonstrating how APIs function and what to expect from them. To offer you with information, this software uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a Machine Learning Engine. Based on the IAB V2 standard, it examines website text before classifying it into one of 385+ topic groupings.
This technology can also classify full path URLs (google.com/news), domains (google.com), and emails (larry@google.com). All that is needed is the URL of the marketplace where the application is downloaded, as well as in mobile applications. Klazify is able to classify any online information.
How does it work?
1-To get the API key, go to www.klazify.com.
2- Paste the URL, domain, or email address that you want to convert into a full company profile into the supplied box, then verify that you are not a robot and submit.
3- After that, you’ll get the API response in your chosen programming language. JSON, Python, and PHP are all used by Klazify.
4- Choose and save the desired outcome. Then you’re free to do anything you want with it.
Also published on Medium.