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Get Daily Aluminum Prices in CAD with an API

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Get Daily Aluminum Prices in CAD with an API

Brief Introduction

Aluminum is a silvery-white, lightweight metal. It’s supple and adaptable. It’s found in a variety of places, including cans, foils, culinary utensils, window frames, beer kegs, and aviation components. This is owing to its one-of-a-kind qualities. It has a low density, is non-toxic, has high thermal conductivity, resists corrosion, and is easily cast, machined, and shaped.

Aluminum is less dense than other common metals because its density is around one-third that of steel. Automobiles, aircraft, trucks, railway carriages, maritime boats, bicycles, and spacecraft are all made with it in the transportation industry. Cans, foil, and a frame make up the package. It is also utilized in the construction of buildings and has electrical applications.

It’s also present in the casings of computers and other electronic devices. Aluminum may also be found in a wide range of household goods. As a result, this function has been ingrained in our daily routines.

Therefore, if you want to invest in Aluminum you should be aware of its prices in CAD. To know the prices instantly, we recommend you to use an API called Metals-API which shows the actual prices of it instantly.

What Is It?

An API is an application programming interface that allows two programs on separate devices to connect. Data is sent to a server by a device that is connected to the internet. Data is gathered, evaluated, and the required security processes are completed before being delivered back to your device. The data is subsequently analyzed and presented by the computer.

The Metals-API is capable of providing real-time precious metals rate data, thanks to its 10+ exchange rate data sources. There are several endpoints in the API, each of which has a different function. Get the most recent exchange rate data for any or a particular group of currencies, translate sums from one currency to another, retrieve Time-Series data for one or more currencies, and ask the API for regular fluctuation data are all endpoint functionalities.

You’ll know about API structure, processes, possible bugs, and code samples in this tutorial. 

Get Daily Aluminum Prices in CAD with an API

Metals-API began as a modest, lightweight Open-Source API that provided users with current and historical precious metals prices from banks. Metals-API can deliver real-time precious metals data through API with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of every 60 seconds.

Delivering Precious Metals exchange rates, converting single currencies, providing Time-Series data, fluctuation data, and the lowest and highest price of each day are all included in these services.


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