The business sector of a company refers to the industry in which the company operates. It may operate in one or more industries, and it may operate within each industry in various ways.
Businesses can be categorized by size and industry, depending on their primary activity. Size can be categorized as small, medium, or large. Industry can be categorized by sectors, such as manufacturing and mining; wholesale trade; retail trade; transportation and warehousing; information technology (IT); finance and insurance; real estate and rental and leasing; professional services (such as legal, accounting, engineering, management consulting); health care and social assistance; arts, entertainment, and recreation; accommodation and food services; other services (such as personal services), or public administration.

You should use an API to find a company’s business sector simply due to the sheer volume of information it can provide in a couple of seconds. For example, you are a B2B company with a huge database of your customer’s business emails, or their domains. You can use an API to classify these, and you’ll get a response like this:
{ "domain": { "categories": [ { "confidence": 0.69, "name": "/Online Communities" } ], "domain_url": "", "social_media": null, "logo_url": "" }, "success": true, "objects": { "company": { "name": "Reddit", "city": "San Francisco", "stateCode": "CA", "countryCode": "US", "employeesRange": "1K-5K", "revenue": null, "raised": 550100000, "tags": [ "Internet", "Web Services & Apps", "Technology", "Forums", "Mobile", "B2C" ], "tech": [ "google_apps", "aws_route_53", "amazon_ses", "mailgun",
We recommend you try out Klazify
Use Klazify to get domain categorization

Klazify is a website classification and customer data API that evaluates a website’s content and meta tags using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a Machine Learning Engine. To obtain data, this API connects to a certain website or URL. The IAB V2 Standard Classification taxonomy is then applied to categorize data into over 385 categories for one-to-one customization.
Customers can use Klazify’s domain classification to deliver services such as Internet filtering, subscriber statistics, advertising networks, and fraud prevention. Keep in mind that Klazify allows both base domain and entire path URLs when pasting them. The first includes the domain name and top-level domain (TLD), whilst the second is domain-specific and allows for more in-depth research.
Is this a risk-free option?
Yes, it most surely is! This platform will go to the correct domain name or URL, collect data, and create appropriate categories using the IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy. These categories can be used for a variety of purposes, such as personalization, marketing segmentation, internet limitation, and so on. As a result, the URL or domain may be divided into several categories.
Because it can handle nearly any foreign language or domain, Klazify’s classification is ideal for internet filtering and security applications.
Here is where you may sign up for Klazify.
Related posts:
Get Revenue data using A Company Domain with this API
Also published on Medium.