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Get Bronze Real-Time Prices With This API

Do you want to get bronze prices in real-time? You should read this article, we show you how to get it.

Bronze is one of the most valuable metals worldwide. This metal is used for the construction of sculptures, musical instruments, and medals. Besides, it is used in industrial applications such as bushings and bearings. It is too important because it is resistant to corrosion.

A report shows how the price of bronze has increased in recent years because this industry is really demanded by museums, companies, governments, and other industries. Besides, it is expected that bronze will reach USD 10.08 Billion in 2022.

However, it could be difficult to find a website, software, or application that provides data from any metal in real-time. That’s why if you want to invest in this industry or maybe you want to buy a piece of art, you should be updated with the pricing of bronze, you have to use an API.

Get Bronze Real-Time Prices With This API

What Is An API?

It is an application programming interface (API), it is considered one of the most modern technologies and it works efficiently because it is an interface that collects data from a location and returns it to the user who requested it. That’s means that the software provides information in real-time, in this case, you will be able to obtain the price in real-time.

If you want to stay up to date on metal prices, utilize Metals-API, which is the most reliable API and receives data from over 15 reliable data sources every minute. Among them are banks and financial data providers. As a result, you’ll get a quote that’s quite specific.

The prices of bronze, gold, silver and other metals are updated in real-time. This data can be used in spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps, and other corporate applications.

Get Bronze Real-Time Prices With This API

It is available in over 170 currencies, including bitcoin, litecoin, and other altcoins; nevertheless, obtaining this form of currency on the internet is tricky. Metals-API will allow you to convert any quantity from one currency to another.

To find out how much bronze costs, do the following:

  1. Go to and get your API key.
  2. Look for the lead symbol and currency sign you want to use in the website’s list.
  3. Add metal and money to the list with these symbols, then make the API call.
  4. As far as programming languages go, you have the option of using JSON or PHP.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology