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Get Aircraft Types In Real-Time With An API

Are you searching for a way to get aircraft types? An API is the best way to obtain it.

In the aviation industry, there are many aircraft types such as airplanes, helicopters, airships (including blimps), gliders, paramotors, and hot air balloons are all examples of aviation.  This data can be really relevant for the aviation industry or students in order to write a report or project. And in some cases, customers may request the information to get detailed flight data.

Get Aircraft Types In Real-Time With An API

The best technology to get aircraft types is to use an application programming interface (API), which allows you to collect data from a variety of sources and ensures that the data is valid.

What Is An API?

An application programming interface (API) is a set of operations that enable programs to interface with external software components, operating systems, and microservices. To put it another way, an API sends a user’s response to a system and then returns the system’s response to the user.

On the internet, there are many APIs available but not all of them work in the same way. That’s why we have chosen FlightLabs as the best API in the market because it is one of the most complete APIs for getting real-time flight data, as well as being simple to use and extremely efficient.

To obtain aircraft types, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and create an account. To receive flight information, use the API endpoint for aircraft types
  2. Then you’ll see a one-of-a-kind API key on your account dashboard.
  3. To complete the procedure, click the “run” button. On your screen, the API will show. A variety of computer languages can be used to access the data.

The request will appear like that:

                    "data": [
                          "aircraft_name": "Fokker 100",
                          "iata_code": "100"

What Is FlightLabs?

FlightLabs is a reliable API that collects global flight data in real-time from various airlines and airports. This program takes advantage of cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence. As a result, you will have access to accurate and up-to-date information.

Get Aircraft Types In Real-Time With An API

You can track the status of flights from over 250 countries and 13,000 airlines using FlightLabs. Flight information such as departures, daily flights, arrivals, aviation taxes, historical flights, airline routes, and status updates are available through this API.

Furthermore, because the API is available in a variety of computer languages, including JSON, Python, and PHP, developers will find this tool quite valuable. This indicates that they will have no issue merging all of the data into software or applications.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology