Are you looking for a free public API to calculate the carbon footprint? In this article, we’ll show you one that is useful to calculate CO2 emissions of any industry and very helpful for developers.
Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 6% in 2021 to 36.3 billion tonnes, the highest level ever, as the world economy recovered quickly from the Covid-19 crisis and depended heavily on coal to fuel that recovery.

The recovery of energy demand in 2021 was hampered by severe weather and energy market conditions, particularly price increases in natural gas, which resulted in more coal being burnt despite renewable power output growing at its fastest rate ever.
In 2021, coal contributed to more than 40% of the entire increase in worldwide CO2 emissions, hitting an all-time high of 15.3 billion tonnes. Natural gas CO2 emissions increased significantly from 2019 levels to 7.5 billion tonnes. Because of the weak rebound in global transport activities in 2021, Dioxide emissions from oil remained much lower than pre-pandemic levels at 10.7 billion tonnes.
Individuals may lower their carbon footprint in a variety of ways. Some people are eating less red meat, walking, biking, carpooling, or taking public transit instead of commuting, and utilizing reused containers or bottles instead of buying individual packaging.
Where To Begin?
This is a depressing circumstance. However, mankind is attempting to solve these issues. The first step is to calculate your company’s carbon footprint. You will be aware of the circumstance in which you are beginning to assist the system. You may use a carbon calculator API to do this. It transmits data from one device to another or other devices.
CarbonAPI is the finest calculator API for this purpose. You may use it to measure your ecological footprint and see how your green actions are affecting the ecosystem. It refers to how you lessen your carbon impact.
You may also embed this API into your website or app to share your activities with the rest of the world. It’s the best API for developers because it is very easy to incorporate into the designs. Moreover, it makes responses in JSON, PHP, and Python.

Why CarbonAPI?
CarbonAPI is a free CO2 monitor that may help you understand your pollutant concentrations throughout the day. It is a climate-tech firm that uses APIs to enable cloud-based software engineers to include sustainability implications in their work. It broadcasts data in real-time. CarbonAPI Systems enables programmers to offer precise carbon emission figures to users. It has one plan of responses for each user, but you can start with the free plan.
CarbonAPI allows us to make a significant and practical contribution to the fight against climate change. It joins you in a worldwide movement tackling climate change’s interrelated challenges. You may opt to notify others about your action. It may make it easier to track and report progress on energy, carbon emissions, and other sustainability issues.