Do you want to reduce the carbon footprint of your B2B company? In this article, we will talk about a free API to do it!
Currently, with the advancement of marketing, business-to-business companies have grown enormously. As it has a lot to do with the enormous growth of the digital economy where companies often sell their services to other companies instead of individual consumers.

As we are describing, this type of B2B company has a close relationship with everything that electronic commerce implies. In this sense, it encompasses different types of online activities. It includes electronic actions with the use of credit cards and virtual currencies.
By encompassing virtual commerce, it generally also brings with it various electronic security issues. It’s to protect the business operations of companies. In addition, there was a large increase in this type of company in recent years.
However, all virtual activity generates a lot of pollution. In an office with many computers, people use a large amount of energy and water. This produces large amounts of carbon emissions. A computer can produce approximately 200 grams of CO2, according to various studies, for every hour it is plugged in.
In corporate offices, many computers are running at the same time. It do not even turn off at night or continue to operate when no humans are managing them. The operations they carry out with the system can be polluting the planet.
For this reason, many B2B companies are wondering how, since the electronic activity is their primary activity, they can reduce their carbon footprint. First and foremost, advancing this goal requires the use of a carbon calculator API.
Use A Carbon Footprint API
Using a Carbon Footprint API is the initial step in becoming a green company. It is very difficult even to know the true impact of emissions and to be clear about the most effective ecological initiatives to compensate for your pollution.
That is why a calculator API is the one that will allow you to think about what your initial footprint is, that is, where you start, and what is the environmental impact of your actions, as you see if your footprint is reduced, remains the same, or increases.
An API is a software that can be incorporated into the digital media of a company. In this way you can enter your energy consumption in the calculator and at the same time share it with your audience. Show you how you are progressing in being a more environmentally friendly company. This will also improve your business relationships and your profitability.
CarbonAPI is a programming interface that will help you a lot in this regard. It has extensive documentation for developers to incorporate into their websites or applications. With this API you will be able to monitor your carbon footprint over time to be able to put more chips into the initiatives with which you help the environment and mitigate those that damage it.

Why CarbonAPI?
CarbonAPI is one of the favorites of developers because they can use it in different programming languages such as JSON, Python, and PHP. It is very easy to incorporate into the digital media of a company. You can also find different sectors of CO2 production to be able to enter your consumption and be able to know exactly how many tons of carbon you produce.