No matter why you are looking for text-to-speech tools with Hungarian voices, this article will tell you where to find them for free.
Although Hungary is a tiny nation with a population of 9.8 million people, the neighbouring territories, formerly part of the Kingdom of Hungary, are home to around 2.2 million Hungarian speakers. The list includes Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia. But also thousands of people living in countries like the United States.
Hungary’s national language, Magyar, is complicated and unique. Despite its central European position, its dialect is unlike that of its neighbours. The reason is that Hungarian originates from Asia’s Uralic area and belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family, which means its nearest cousins are Finnish and Estonian. Could this be why it’s one of the most challenging languages to learn?

According to some sources, Hungarian has absorbed and modified terms from various other languages over time. Scholars have proposed to trace the history of Hungary and the Magyars in part through words taken from other languages. For example, during the Magyars’ early migration to what is now Hungary, they came into touch with groups of people who spoke Turkic and Iranian languages. Another version claims that Hungarian remains loyal to its historic origins, with 68 per cent of its etymons, or original words, remaining.
All in all, Hungarian or Magyar sounds like an intriguing language to discover. If you are one of its speakers or an enthusiast future learner, we suggest you don’t turn your back on text to speech or TTS. This technology generates a humanlike utterance from text-based content, allowing you to enjoy it through your ears. Ideal for the Hungarian vowel harmony sound system. Need a recommendation? We’ve got a big one:
Woord is an AI-powered voice generator that produces realistic voices in 28 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Dutch, Norwegian, Korean, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, etc. Some accents included. As a result, you can listen to 50 different –male, female, and gender-neutral– speakers reading your texts (pdf, txt, doc(x), pages, odt, ppt(x), ods, non-DRM epub, jpg, and png).
You may also customise your spokespeople at will beyond rhythm. Edit your mouthpieces with the SSML editor by changing attributes like emphasis, whispering, breathing, and phonemes until they satisfy your ears. These and other Woord features (OCR, MP3 download, Chrome plugin) are also free. To convert up to 20,000 characters into two audios, create an account. offers high-quality listening experiences in 50 languages with over 260 smooth TTS male and female voices from Google WaveNet, Amazon Polly, IBM Watson, and Microsoft. An excellent resemblance with human speech is guaranteed.
Additionally, enables you to obtain free commercial rights for any audio you generate, improve the quality of your work, edit the audio till you’re pleased, and adjust the punctuation and pronunciations of relevant keywords in your input.
With Narakeet, you may get voices in many languages for any project or demand that requires audio. Its natural-sounding text-to-speech engine supports more than 60 languages and 350 speakers.
So now you know. When there’s a need to synthesise speech, don’t waste your and others’ time recording and re-recording scripts. Use Narakeet‘s TTS tool to easily convert a Word document or a basic text into an audio file.