Do you ever get lost in so many companies, websites, or services? You won’t have to worry about it any longer. Any data that you want to be classified will be done by the most accurate text classification, Klazify API.
It doesn’t really matter your field of expertise. Everyone who needs accurate and safe classification can use it. Achieving great levels of accuracy is one of this content classifier goals. This API’s pillars are three. The first one is this, accuracy. The website’s categorization system will efficiently search through your passed data and classify it. It has up to 385 different possible categories! Secondly, this pillar following is based on a trusted public standard. This means that the taxonomy is based on the IAB V2 standard. It can be used for many different endings. And the third and last pillar, logos at your fingertips. With this same text classification tool, you can get any company’s logo. You can work them on any domain, URL or IP address. Amazing, right?
This data classifier’s best features
Klazify API has four main attributes. It offers a three-category structure system to choose from. The text categorization API also provides you with real-time updated social media links. The API also uses a machine learning engine, providing extracts from any text on any site.

The following information will be explaining how to use it and the pricing.
How to use it
Before you do anything, you have to sign up. After doing it, you are assigned a personalized API access key. This key is composed of many different digits and letters. This grants you access to our API endpoint. You will then have to authenticate with the Klazify API. That’s really easy. Just include your bearer token in the Authorization header. And just like that, you are ready to use the data classifier.
Domain endpoint
Whenever you need to retrieve information regarding any domain and enrich your databases, the domain’s endpoint is what you need. By simply passing the domain, you will be able to get information like business category, IAB categorization, social media URLs, and even the logo. Moreover, you will also retrieve company information, like its name, where it is located and employees range and revenue. This website categorization API will bring you information as long as it is public information.
URL endpoint
This endpoint works almost like the domain one. The main difference is that in this endpoint you will be able to categorize a full URL path instead only the root domain. This will help you to retrieve the category of the URL that is passed to it.
Email endpoint
Once again, this endpoint works pretty similarly to the domain endpoint. You just have to pass the email domain that you want to extract information from. Then you will be able to categorize your Emails database. And even recognize if there is an organization that could be a target!

What about the pricing?
You have three different suitable options from which you can choose. The first plan offered is the “Basic” plan. It includes 10,000 requests a month for $99.99 USD. You have the “Pro” plan, which includes 25,000 requests for $199.99 USD a month. And lastly, the “ProPlus” plan. This plan provides you with 75,000 requests just for $499.99 USD a month. As you can see, the prices are according to the number of requests, but all three are considerable options.
Where to go for more information
You can either check Klazify API‘s homepage or contact us! Our email is [email protected] and our chatting room provides immediate responses from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Also published on Medium.