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Face Verification API Has Become A Must-have In 2023

To have a Face Verification API that has become a must-have in the digital world. This tool has proven its usefulness for fraud detection, cyber security, airport and border control, banking, health, and many more cases. It allows you to verify the identity of any person by comparing their face with the one in their ID, for example, which makes your user’s experience much faster and more accurate. Currently, there is a lot of software of this kind, so it might be not easy to pick which option is the best for you. Here, we will talk about these SaaS in general and recommend cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest level of security and accuracy that is quite convenient for everyone. Let’s take a look at the factors that made these types of APIs so necessary!

Face Verification API Has Become A Must-have In 2023

Benefits Of Using A Face Verification API. 

There are many benefits of using a face verification API. First, it can help you improve security at your business or organization. By verifying the identity of your employees, customers, or other visitors, you can help prevent identity theft and fraud. Second, it can help you streamline your operations by automating some tasks. For example, you may be able to skip the ID check at the door by using a face verification system. Third, it can help you save time and money by reducing the need for manual ID checks. 

Who Can Benefit From A Face Verification API? 

Anyone who wants to protect their identity can benefit from a face verification system. For example, students at universities and colleges may use the system to access their academic records. Employees at businesses and organizations may use the system to access their offices or buildings. And citizens of countries with strict ID laws may use the system to access government services or vote in elections. 

What About Face Comparison Validator API

Face Verification API Has Become A Must-have In 2023

You can determine if the same person appears in two different photographs by using the Face Comparison Validator API. Besides, you may compare the two images and establish whether they are truly from the same person by using artificial intelligence.

If you provide the API with two publicly accessible image URLs, the AI will handle everything. You will receive an intuitive output: 

  • resultMessage: this object will say either “the two faces belong to different people” (in case of face mismatching) or “the two faces belong to the same person” (in case of face matching)
  • similarPercent: which retrieves the percentage of similarity of the two faces. 

The Compare Image With Image URL endpoint will receive the image URLs and provide you with the comparison results.

Output JSON response example:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusMessage": "OK",
  "hasError": false,
  "data": {
    "resultIndex": 0,
    "resultMessage": "The two faces belong to the same person. ",
    "similarPercent": 0.8396031185367567

What Are This API’s Most Typical Use Cases?

You can use this API to compare two faces and establish whether they belong to the same individual. With the help of this API, you could set up a facial verification checkpoint in your workplace. This API will be useful if you want to analyze images from various IDs.

To learn how to use the Face Comparison Validator API in seconds, we have prepared for you these steps:

  • Visit the website for The Face Comparison Validator.
  • Start a trial or select your preferred regular payment method.
  • Paste the URL of the first image you want to compare in the linkFile1 box.
  • Next, enter the URL for the second image you want to compare in the linkFile2 box.
  • Finally, click “Test Endpoint.”

Also published on Medium.

Published inAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)SaaSStartupsTechnology
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