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Everything you need to know about Launchpad, Google’s startup accelerator

At 543 Howard Street in San Francisco, Google is the opening of a new “innovation space” that will be at home, Launchpad, Google startup-accelerator.

Across all industries

The new workspace is meant to act like a hub for start-UPS focused on AI solutions across multiple industries, including health, finance and social services. At the new site, startup teams can meet with Google employees and other professionals to work out ideas, meet with members of the community, or meet with each other.

Although the world is more connected than ever before, Google’s belief that you can all work together in one room is how innovation really happens. Plus, having your own space in San Francisco will allow tech startups to hit an area with community members who will be the most affected by the work that these startups are doing.

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Other activities at Launchpad

Aside from the AI startups, the new space will also be used for various developer and designer workshop ideas as well as serve as a hub for industry-wide developer relations’ diversity and inclusion efforts.

If you look at the photo above you can see the motto of the space written the rights to the walls: “We have to constantly jump from cliffs and develop our wings on the way down.”

Later this year, Google plans to open at least two more locations in Singapore and Lagos.

Published inStartups