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Enterprise IP Geolocation API for JSON

Are you looking for the ideal enterprise IP geolocation API for JSON? Here we explain to you how that works and which tool is perfect for you.

GeoIP is a method of detecting a device’s geographic location based on its IP address. Many ways for acquiring this information allow you to access additional detailed information such as the city, state, province, local currency, latitude and longitude, and firm details from any specified IPv4 and IPv6 address. Depending on the implementation, you may access this data via an API over HTTP or specific GeoIP databases in JSON or XML format.

If your online company is dependent on the user’s location, consider using Geolocation API to give appropriate products, services, news, and notifications. There are two ways to utilize Geolocation IP technically:

Enterprise IP Geolocation API for JSON

  • Geo IP database: you purchase an IP database, host it on your server, and then refer to it in your application. The issue with using the IP database is that it must be updated on a regular basis; otherwise, you will not have up-to-date IP location information.
  • Geo API: You don’t have to bother about maintaining and updating the Geo API on a regular basis. To obtain the relevant IP information, you use the API within your application. You are only charged for what you use.

The good news is that these geolocation lookups aren’t confined to huge corporations and massive websites. There are a lot of free web sites available that allow you to look up IP addresses and understand where they are issued. This might be quite useful when investigating a suspicious email or strange remarks on a website. It is also critical to ensure that any services that mask your IP address, such as a VPN, are operational.

Geolocation through IP address APIs supply you with the location of a device that your website users are using to browse your website based on an IP address. The API may be used to find any electrical device, such as a smartphone or laptop. It then offers geographical data points such as continent, nation, region, city, latitude, and longitude. Some APIs also provide additional relevant information. These might be postal codes, time zones, or even the currency of a certain location.

Since there are so many IP Geolocation APIs, we put together the best three that work with JSON for you to use and obtain amazing results:

Enterprise IP Geolocation API for JSON

1. ipXapi

ipXapi is a free website monitoring program that also functions as an advanced geolocation and IP address identification tool. This service gives a high level of accuracy in IP statistics due to its database and API. It is connected to several well-known ISPs, who give regular updates on new and current IP ranges. Because ipXapi is linked to many channels that offer real-time IP data, the API’s database is updated on a daily basis, with up to 24 database changes each day.

The application supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and it provides IP data such as ping response time and location, device type and connection speed, hostname resolution, DNS control, IP network access details, SSL certificate information, WHOIS name server lookup, and many more capabilities. You may access its database at any moment to obtain a complete picture of IP addresses, cities, and nations.

Enterprise IP Geolocation API for JSON

2. IPinfo

IPInfo is yet another significant participant in the IP information market. Since 2013, they have grown to over 100,000 customers, including npm, CBS, Dell, and Vodafone, and they service 12 billion IP API queries every month. Ben Dowling, a former Facebook programmer, created the startup. Standard/Bulk/Requester lookups, connection and carrier-related data, ASN IP Operator associated proprietary data, Comprehensive GeoIP data from an IPInfo self-built solution are just a few of the data types and features available from IPInfo. Specify fields to retrieve exactly the information you want and conserve bandwidth, as well as Global ASN, Hosted Domains, and IP range data.

Enterprise IP Geolocation API for JSON

3. accepts both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. As a consequence, this API provides you with information that allows you to determine the current location of your target user. The API is also easy to use for detecting VPNs, threats, and TOR, among other things. What actually distinguishes this program is the Astronomy API function, which allows you to learn the exact sunset, sunrise, moonset, and moonrise times from the chosen IP address.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology