Get real-time information for free just by entering an email address. Read this text and learn how to do it in a click!

Brief Introduction
When we talk about email categorization, we’re talking about categorizing your customers’ or competitors’ data. The system classifies each email depending on the parameters supplied by the individual or enterprise by automatically evaluating the content of the email body and any attachments. The benefit of categorizing is that it allows you to receive data without having to ask the user and in real-time. The data can be used to better your marketing strategy. For example, segment your customers and personalize communications for each one, among other things. It’s difficult to stand apart in the face of so much competition when everyone offers the same product or service. As a result, many sectors are employing an API in order to improve their operations and gain a competitive advantage.
What Is An API?
An application programming interface (API) is a great way to access data because it allows two apps to communicate with one another. In other words, an API is a messenger that sends your request to the service provider and then returns the response.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the most powerful and complete technology accessible today, and it is used in this software. This will aid in the creation of a comprehensive profile for each prospect, allowing you to anticipate their activities and respond properly.
How To Use An API?
Taking into account all this information, you should look for an API that can help you in categorizing websites. Choosing the wrong one can cost you time and money, so we strongly recommend you try Klazify, one of the most complete APIs available.
To use it, you need to:
1. Sign in to to acquire the API key.
2. Find the company’s URL and paste it into the provided field, then confirm that you are not a robot and submit it.
3. You will then receive the API response in one or more programming languages.
4. Look for and save the desired result. You can then utilize it how you see fit.

How confident is this API?
Klazify is one of the most effective solutions for obtaining your logo via API. This software will be classified into various categories in real-time, including location, market category, country, logo, and apps.
Also, Klazify uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a Machine Learning Engine. It examines webpage text and categorizes it into 385+ probable topic groups using the IAB V2 standard. This API is real-time, so you’ll always have the most up-to-date social network links. The JSON, Python, and PHP Curl formats of the API response make it simple for developers.
How Klazify’s API Can Help Categorize Websites –
Also published on Medium.