ELCHE It is defined, above all, as passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation. Eneko Knörr is the founder of AngelClub.es, a startup investment club, and Onyze, a digital asset custody service. In addition, he is an investor in startups like Cabify or Housers. With more than 20 years of experience creating technology startups and ten investing in some of the biggest success stories, he recently offered a conference aimed at new investors and entrepreneurs at the Elche Business Market. Alicante Plaza had the opportunity to talk with him and ask him for the keys to get ahead in the world of new companies.
Is there entrepreneurial talent in Spain, what to do to make it more visible?
In startups in Spain the biggest problem is visibility, because there is talent, good startups and good technology applied to them. What happens is that in Silicon Valley any initiative has much more impact, which can be as good as one in Bilbao or Elche. However, perhaps there the contacts may be related to, for example, the founder of Twitter, who at one time disseminates that initiative and already has thousands of followers. The truth is that this part is a challenge. You have to create products that are good, that are the best, that people like and use and that requires talent. Then also, we have to turn to how to make that idea known throughout the world, with the disadvantage that they are in a hidden city on the map.
What market is it interesting to take the hook with the new startups?
As an entrepreneur I recommend looking at Asia. The tendency in Spain has been to go to Latin America for cultural and language affinity and Asia, although it is a very difficult market, it is growing much more than other regions. I think it is worth it, at least, to make a commitment to go to the Asian continent to sell, to have your product expand there.
What to do to overcome a failure when an entrepreneurial project fails?
An important quality of a good entrepreneur is knowing how to overcome bad times, because there are many. It is important, when it happens, to think that it has already happened and move on the next day with force. It is very difficult and there is much talk about the depression of entrepreneurs but in the end you have to think that the entrepreneurial process is like a roller coaster in which one day it may be sunk but the next you can catch a good wave.
As for private investors who want to bet on the startup world, what keys should they consider to recognize a good opportunity?
Talking with the person who undertakes is key and see that it is an ambitious person, who knows how to sell both the product and the illusion that your startup will succeed. In addition, it must be supported by a good team and with something new that has good numbers and potential to sell and achieve great things.