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Empower Your App With The Fish Species Database API

Three quarters of our planet are water, and oceans, rivers and lakes abound in fish species. Manual identification of fish species is unthinkable.

Developers do their job by devising applications for their clients in the various activities concerning fish that allow them to identify and learn about the variety of aquatic fauna.

Empower Your App With The Fish Species Database API

To develop easy-to-use software for clients involved in fishing -both as a business and as a sport- and in all fields of activities dealing with fish, developers must choose a strong application. The most recommendable one for its efficiency, accuracy and functionality is Fish Species Database API.

This comprehensive fish species database API provides access to detailed information about all fish species, including their scientific names, common names, taxonomy, and more. This API is a valuable resource for biologists, fisheries, and anyone interested in learning more about fish species. The API is powered with AI so it´s kept constantly updated with the latest data to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date results.

The Fish Species Database API is a comprehensive resource for anyone who needs to access detailed information about the countless species of fish. This data is useful for biologists, fishermen, or simply people who have an interest in marine life, with no limitations as regards type of water body and region in the planet.

This fish taxonomy API allows to retrieve information about a species of fish, which is easy to use and integrates seamlessly into any existing systems, making it a valuable tool for both personal and professional use. It can also be used by fishing companies to scan the populations and movements of the different existing species. This data can then be used to plan sustainable fishing strategies and at the same time help protect the health of fish populations.

The most common use cases of this API are varied. Whether it`s used for marine biology research to allow to conduct studies on behaviour, migration and other characteristics of fish; also for fisheries management, so as to develop sustainable fishing practices and protect the health of fish populations; likewise it´s useful for conservation efforts, to monitor fish populations and implement protection measures; another use case is that of education, as it provides a valuable resource for marine biology and ecology studies; last not least, for recreational fishing, with the aim of having a more productive and pleasant fishing experience.

The API has two endpoints: one providing all available fish in the world and the other furnishing information about a specific fish.

How To Start Using This API

Empower Your App With The Fish Species Database API

If you already count on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Fish Species Database API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the search reference. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

Fish Species Database API examines the input and processes the request using the resources available (AI and ML). In no time at all the application will retrieve an accurate response. The API has two endpoints to access the information: All Species and Fish Data By Name.

If the input is sardine in the endpoint Fish By Name the response will look like this:

"id": 799,
"name": "Sardine",
"url": "",
"img_src_set": "Not available",
"meta": {}
"id": 932,
"name": "Surf sardine",
"url": "",
"img_src_set": {
"1.5x": "",
"2x": ""
"meta": {
"scientific_classification": {
"kingdom": "animalia",
"phylum": "chordata",
"class": "actinopterygii",
"order": "atheriniformes",
"suborder": "atherinoidei",
"family": "isonidaerosen,1964", "genus": "isod._s._jordan&_starks,_1901"
"type_species": "Iso flosmarisD.S. Jordan & Starks, 1901"
Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology
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