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Do Real-Time Content Moderation In Your Website Or Blog With A REST API

You must utilize APIs that contain vulgarity at work, but you’re not sure how to go about doing so. Continue reading to learn more about each new feature.

With an unprecedented amount of content being produced by the 4.54 billion internet users (as of June 2020) around the world, moderation is getting more and harder to do! Additionally, the number of apps and users is growing exponentially.

Naturally, content filtering is turning into a requirement for all websites and mobile apps. However, manual moderation takes a lot of time and is undoubtedly unpleasant, and machine learning methods are fairly expensive. So many negatives! Nothing excites our team more than a challenge, so we pulled up our sleeves and got to work, determined to help developers with this difficult issue and provide a solution.

It was agreed that the project would be broken up into three more substantial installments. We made this commitment so that you could choose the component you require and easily include it into your application. Absolutely nothing less or more! We have so far published:

The initial section of this service contains an Image Classification REST API that integrates with the search API. Given a URL, the API predicts how probable it is that the image belongs in each of the following categories: drawing, neutral, sexy, pornographic, and hentai.

Do Real-Time Content Moderation In Your Website Or Blog With A REST API

Also, REST API plus Automation Engine – The Automation Engine and REST API work together very closely. In essence, the process is determining whether a specific image’s classification agrees with the safety requirements you have established for your project. A Parse Server afterSave trigger automates the procedure.

In the event that you have already read Part 2: Moderation Automation, you can skip this section. But since the Moderation Preferences are a crucial part, we’ll briefly go over them again if you didn’t get a chance to read the earlier blog post.

In a nutshell, the moderation preferences are the standards established for your app that determine which photographs will be accepted automatically by the automation engine as safe and which will be refused.

So, user created content is one of the dynamic forces driving the ever-evolving digital world. Individuals today are more likely to believe the opinions posted online by other people than the data supplied by organizations and enterprises. Continue reading to find out more about content control.

Every day, unfathomable amounts of text, images, and video are uploaded, and brands need a mechanism to monitor the material that is hosted on their platforms. This is essential for keeping your clients safe and trusted, for monitoring social influences on brand perception, and for abiding by legal requirements.

For all these reasons you need to use a profanity filter, it can be discovered, extracted, and removed from the text using this API. The most commonly suggested API for quickly and thoroughly deleting all the hazardous terms is the one that is displayed below.

Bad Words Filter API

Accentuation, case, ordering, and other linguistic conventions are disregarded as the channel splits the contribution to intelligent phrases using standard language processing ( (NLP). Word changes can assist in identifying terms that are wordy in addition to highlighting words with repetitive letters, excessive whitespace, and distinctive characters. Bad Words Filter API enables you to change problematic terms directly within the text in addition to locating and removing undesirable phrases from the text.

A text input string or URL will be provided to the API, and it will then provide a list of the majority of unfavorable phrases it has discovered. You can even use another person’s name in place of these dreadful words. Using a reference symbol or another way, you could decide.

Do Real-Time Content Moderation In Your Website Or Blog With A REST API

What Are the Most Common Use Cases for This API?

People who want to filter any content that uses objectionable language will find this API to be helpful.
This API is available to anyone who wants to filter any content that uses inappropriate language. You could want to post an article written by one of your content writers on your website. If you don’t want to use vulgar language, you could copy text from another blog or post.

How Make Use Of It

You may sign up by visiting the Zyla API Hub marketplace and selecting the Bad Words Filters API using the search API engine. Depending on your demands, you can select the Pro plan, the Pro Plus plan, or the basic plan. You can pick the most appropriate tool and get rid of all bad phrases. Of course, you can look over every available API. Utilize this fantastic resource!

Published inAppsTechnology
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