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Discover A TTS For Adding Audio To Corporate Videos

If you want to know how to find the best way to give your company a voice, you will find it in this article. And also, it could be used for corporate videos.

Corporate videos are of utmost importance. They should be displayed on the company’s website.

First, for the employees, it is a bit annoying on the day of filming. Some get nervous, others don’t like to appear on camera. This type of audiovisual content focuses on showing what a day in the company is like. In addition, the company’s facilities are shown. And a brief presentation of the members in high positions.


Corporate videos help to improve positioning. So, making a company visual and open improves the perspective and the image people have of it.

Discover A TTS For Adding Audio To Corporate Videos

The use of a corporate video makes the audience perceive the values of the company. 

A speech-to-text converter can be used to generate the audio for these videos. In this way, the same voice will be used for everything that needs to be communicated about the company.

This will provide more professionalism. If you always use the same voice, people will recognize the same voice in different areas.

There are various online text-to-speech converters. One of them is Woord. The software is really easy to use. You just have to go to And then follow the steps to have the audio available in just a few seconds.

In addition, you can listen online and if you don’t like something, tweak it and start over. It can also be downloaded and in this way, it will be available forever on your PC, tablet, or cell phone. 

About Woord:

Woord offers a very extensive list of languages ​​that can be used. Some of them are: Filipino, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, Brazilian, Argentine, Mexican, Indian, Danish, among many others. On the other hand, female, male and neutral voices are available. In addition, it has the voices of children and adolescents.

Discover A TTS For Adding Audio To Corporate Videos

Also, Woord has a paid version in which unlimited characters can be converted. This technology is characterized by making voices that sound like humans through artificial intelligence.

Another advantage of Woord is that you can set the speed at which the audio will be converted. You can go faster or slower depending on your preferences. Finally, this software can be used in devices with Windows or MAC oS x operating systems.

Published inAppsTechnology
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