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Cryptocurrency: The Next Frontier of Investment? – Find Out Using An API!

Are you asking yourself whether or not you should invest in cryptocurrency? Don’t worry anymore! We have the answer!

With the whole world in a state of utter panic over COVID-19, many people are looking for ways to make money online. With so much information out there on the internet; it makes sense that many people are turning to cryptocurrency trading as a way of making money.

Cryptocurrency is a new financial instrument that has been created as a consequence of the evolution of money and payments. The benefits of investing in it will depend on the type that is chosen. Investing in a digital currency can help to diversify the portfolio; increasing the probability of obtaining better returns from your investment; among others.

However, the cryptocurrency market is very volatile; which is why it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from losing out on your investment; if you decide to trade in this space. One way you can do this is by using a Forex API to help you stay up-to-date with market movements and news events that may affect the value of your coins. Keep reading to know how to use it!

Cryptocurrency: The Next Frontier of Investment? - Find Out Using An API!

Know more about Cryptocurrency with the help of a Forex API:

The volatility of cryptocurrency prices makes them extremely risky investments. However, there are reasons to be optimistic about investing in them. For instance, with the help of a Foreign Exchange API (application programming interface), you can know which cryptocurrencies have the best opportunity for investment. This online tool will let you download historical data and live exchange rates for currencies; and even let you integrate them into your website or application!

Even if cryptocurrencies are pretty volatile , you can make well- informed financial decision if you have regular updates about them 24/7. This way you will know exactly when to invest and where!

So, if you are looking for a Forex API to help you make investment decisions, we have the greatest!

Invest with Exchangr

You cannot be a part of the international market if you do not know about forex rates; much less invert in it. Luckily for you, Exchangr is a foreign exchange API that uses JSON data to retrieve accurate information about currency conversion and forex rates. Its forex data is collected from various commercial sources & banks. So, you will have access to 164 world currencies, plus 8 cryptocurrencies. This means, a total of 30.000 currency pairs- just wow!

Exchangr will give you real-time information about currencies so that you know what’s best for yourself and your economy. However, if you are concerned about the safety of this API, we can assure you that Exchangr is extremely safe! It is secured at Bank Level. In other words, your connection is protected with high level 256-bit SSL encryption. All you access and API calls will be secured. That’s extremely safe!

Cryptocurrency: The Next Frontier of Investment? - Find Out Using An API!

Exchangr is easy-to-use

We know that you are thinking “but I have never used a Forex API before”. Don’t worry! Exchangr is quick and simple to use. You can begin right now. Let’s see how:

First of all, you have to register. Click here and sign up to obtain your API key. This unreapeatable number combination will grant you access to this API’s endpoints. The next thing is to pick the currencies to obtain rates, or convert. The last step is execute the API request.

As you can see, with just a click of your mouse, you will be able to get all the information that you need! And besides, if you are having problems understanding API calls, you can check out Exchangr’s Documentation by clicking here. This documentation will teach you about:

  • API structure
  • Methods
  • Potential errors
  • Code examples

Furthermore, if you have any questions that have not been answered on Exchangr’s page, you can contact this API’s team directly. They will be happy to assist you!

With all that said, you are ready to use Exchangr! Get your information right now and start investing in the cryptocurrency market!

Related post: Introducing an API Service For Forex Traders

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyCryptocurrenciesE-commerceFintechTechnology
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