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COVID-19 era: What a startup must have to invest in it.

Entrepreneur and investor Martin Varsavsky has launched a new company to operate autonomous taxi fleets in Europe.

At the same time that he has led the creation of the first COVID-19 self-diagnosis app in Spain, as he explained in an interview with Business Insider Spain.

They are all of these.

Entrepreneur and investor Martin Varsavsky is very clear about what a startup must have to invest in it. You have to offer a product that seems useful to you, you must get along with the entrepreneur and also be clear that your team is capable of reaching the goal you are setting.

This was explained by Varsavsky in an interview with Business Insider Spain, in which he has also dealt with other topics such as the self-diagnosis app of COVID-19, whose creation the Argentine businessman has led, or his advice for entrepreneurs, and where he describes the keys that you must put together a project to get your financial backing.

“I like to try the products and that they have a utility because, if something is useful, if I use that product … it means that there was no other or that there was another, but it was not so good. Another thing is that it takes me well with the founder or the entrepreneur …. He feels that I can contribute and another is that he believes that his team is capable of executing the vision that he is proposing to me, “he summarizes.

This list includes the main companies included in Varsavsky’s current investment portfolio, according to information provided by himself in the interview and other data provided by his team, and which mainly focuses on three areas: energy, transport and health.

Except for Goggo Network, Prelude and Overture, founded by himself, in the others he has invested an average of 250,000 euros through his investment fund Vas Ventures.

Published inSaaS