Are you trying to find a good tool to perform text classification properly and improve your business? You should keep reading this post!
Text classification is the process of categorizing a block of text. As an option, you can ask the AI to choose a category among a list of categories you gave beforehand.
Automation and simplification are benefits of text classification. How marketers, product managers, designers, academicians, and engineers can all use this technology is astounding. The entire purpose of technology is to simplify life.
If you want to standardize a platform, the best way is by organizing large amount of text into categories. This way it’d make search more efficient and relevant, and enhance user experience by making navigation easier.

Text classification algorithms are at the heart of a variety of software systems that process text data at scale. Email software uses text classification to determine whether incoming mail goes to the inbox or into the spam folder. In addition, discussion forums use text classification to determine whether a comment is inappropriate, for example.
Why Use Text Classification?
You can use text classification in many useful situations, for example:
Sort Incoming Messages
Are your inboxes at work overflowing with messages? It’s true that correctly labeling these mails in advance can increase your productivity. For instance, you could anticipate which messages are advertisements and which are consumer requests.
Detect Urgency
Sometimes, it’s necessary to prioritize some client demands. If so, it can be very interesting to spot them beforehand and deal with them straight immediately.
To do that we recommend an API, specifically Text Classification IAB Taxonomy. Today, APIs are everywhere. APIs, or application program interfaces, are vital tools for businesses in all industries. The importance of APIs from a technical standpoint, they allow the capabilities of one computer program to be used by another. They are a means by which two different programs are able to communicate.
For an application’s end users, APIs allow them to complete actions across multiple applications in one solution and receive information when and where they need it.
Why should you use Text Classification IAB Taxonomy to classify text?
Text Classification IAB Taxonomy is the most accurate IAB Taxonomy content classifier. With the classification, you may quickly receive an answer and begin organizing your data!
The IAB Taxonomy classifier categorizes texts into one of 360 topics. It has two levels of depth, the main category (e.g. sports, business or science) and subcategories (soccer, agriculture or physics). It’s based on the IAB Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) Taxonomy.

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?
Just pass the text that you want to categorize and you will be given its IAB taxonomy. Simple as that!
What are the most common uses cases of this API?
This API is meant to assist businesses who have a lot of data that has to be categorized. By categorizing the text, you can collect it.
Ideal for marketing agencies that want to extract data online and want to categorize it as well.
Also, helpful to classify sentences or slogans, you will be given the exact categorization in IAB standards.
Also published on Medium.