Did you know you can get everything about a specific enterprise in real-time? Keep reading the present article and find out about an API that can interpret and classify any company data.
Nowadays, the internet is full of business proposals and various services to hire. Maybe if you’re in charge of market studies around prices, you spend a lot of time searching for information.
Perhaps, it’s mandatory for your job to be updated daily about your company’s competitors. But all that work can take much of your time, even more, if you do it manually. Or you have to consider the chance of adding more people to your stuff. In any case, that selection process can take time. Also, preparing that stuff isn’t something instantaneous.
Over the last years, has appeared a new alternative that represents a clear advancement. Moreover, it’s a tool that doesn’t require much human attention because it’s a product of AI (artificial intelligence) technology. Consequently, with only a couple of directions, it starts the search. Even better, the investigation is reliable and accurate. Then, you won’t be misinformed. Plus, you’ll obtain the latest updates on the subject you’re looking for. Below, you’ll get more details about this crucial instrument for your work.

What kind of tool is an API?
Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, bind our digital world together in various ways. Then, you can understand an API as the interface that permits data interchange between 2 separate software components. Consequently, an API serves as a bridge between the software’s internal and external functionalities. The latter facilitates an information flow so simple that the end user frequently doesn’t perceive it.
Generally, APIs link various components from a software platform together to ensure that data arrives at the proper location.
Categorize any company data with Klazify
This business can tag virtually any domain for you and identify it. Beyond everything, this API may retrieve anything else about a particular company, including its website’s symbol. The system can only function after you send an IP address or URL. It will then scan any provided content after that. Additionally, it includes all of a specific company’s social media links. The point is that Klazify offers a variety of features and if you ask for a paid subscription, even more.
Even better, this API is compatible with practically all languages spoken worldwide. Moreover, it supports almost every domain that is accessible on the internet.

Klazify offers all types of tags for company data
You can choose from more than 350 different tags provided by Klazify. As a result, this program creates a rigorous identification. For instance, there are various areas of art forms, entertainment, television, and other things. Its taxonomy is beyond precise in any scenario. Plus, it will let you know rapidly if the API can’t find the solution.
The return handles an understandable language code. The latter is a vital component that will help you comprehend quickly the tags applied to a requested site.
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