Would you like to invest in this metal of the future? But before this, you will need to get the updated lithium prices. For this case, we recommend using this tool, considered the best precious metals API.
Lithium is a metallic element found in group 1 of the periodic table, and stands out for being the first alkali metal. Its atomic number equals 3, its atomic mass is approximately 6.9417 units, and its chemical symbol is Li, an abbreviation for the Latin Lithium. This metal is the 25th most abundant element in the earth’s crust, representing 65 parts per million of the geological structure. In addition, in terrestrial nature it is mostly part of minerals such as igneous rocks; especially on granite.
The main use of lithium in the modern era is the production of electric batteries and electrodes, since it is a metal with a high electrochemical potential and high specific heat. Lithium-ion bacteria are the most produced and well-known, which stand out for being rechargeable and for their remarkable energy capacity. Another industrial process that takes full advantage of the properties of lithium is the production of ceramics and glasses, where lithium oxide is used to process silica sand, since it reduces its melting point and viscosity. Glasses with traces of lithium have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, and are used in common telescopes and lenses.
It is a metal in constant research, which in the future will be increasingly important. For example, researchers at the University of Technology in Sydney created a molecule to increase the performance of lithium-oxygen batteries and make the range of electric cars equal to that of combustion vehicles. That is why it is very important to invest in this mineral. For this, we recommend the Metals-API service, which will help us to find out the prices.

Why Metals-API?
If precious metals data is what you need, the Metals-API system will do the trick with ease. This service is the newest API in this market and in a short time, it managed to become number 1 among its competitors. This is because it offers prices for a wide variety of metals such as gold, silver, bronze, copper and of course lithium. Thanks to the data provided by the most important financial institutions in the world, Metals-API became the most reliable company of all.
To start using this service and obtain lithium rates, we will explain below how to do it:
1- Go to “www.metals-API.com” and there you will get an API key. Then register and enter your personal data.
2- Select a plan. Currently, there are 7 available. One is free.
3- Search the list of symbols for lithium and the currency of your country.
4- When finished, make the API call.
5- As a programming language, you have the option of using JSON or PHP.
In any case, within the website you will find a documentation. Thanks to it, you will learn about the API structure, methods, potential errors and code examples. Also, there is a quick start tool to test all API endpoints at the click of a button. In case there are any unanswered questions, be sure to contact Metals-API and the team will be happy to help.

Also published on Medium.