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Check This API To Get Tin Rates Using Python

Are you looking for a Python API that can provide you tin rates? Continue reading this page to learn everything you need to know!

Tin is a yellowish-silver metal with a tinge of silver. Solders consumed less than half of the metal produced in 2018. It plating, it chemicals, brass, and bronze alloys made up the remainder. It has a strong connection with iron and is used to prevent the corrosion of lead, zinc, and steel. Tin-plated steel containers used for food preservation account for a significant portion of the market for metallic metal.

Check This API To Get Tin Rates Using Python

Tin prices have been dropping in recent months, indicating that this is a highly volatile market. Pay much attention to how the values vary over time if you work in one of these industries. You should also keep an eye on the current exchange rates. This knowledge is critical for determining the best moment to invest. As a result, a programming interface should be used (API). It may be difficult to find one that works with metals, any money, and computer languages such as Python. However, it is not impossible.

How Do I Obtain An API?

A program interface (API) is a device that enables two devices or programs to exchange data. Other websites may be able to help you, but be cautious because not all of them are working or provide the same information.

Metals-API is an outstanding piece of software since it is one of the most extensively used and sophisticated precious metals APIs available. It might include a wealth of information and be quite valuable to your company. To incorporate the API into your website or blog, use the plugins on the Metals-API main page.

Check This API To Get Tin Rates Using Python

The steps you must take are as follows:

  1. Create an account at to obtain your API key.
  2. Look for the Tin symbol (TIN) and the currency symbol you wish to use.
  3. Insert metal and currency to the list before submitting the API request.
  4. To finish the assignment, simply press the “run” button.
    To acquire Python information, the Request module should be used.

It will seem as follows:

  import requests

    base_currency = 'USD'
    symbol = 'TIN' 
    endpoint = 'latest'
    access_key = 'API_KEY'

    resp = requests.get(
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        # This means something went wrong.
        raise ApiError('GET /'+endpoint+'/ {}'.format(resp.status_code))

Why Metals-API?

This API will convert tin, gold, silver, and over 170 other currencies, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, to accurate conversion rates. API also gives real-time precious metals data with two decimal places of precision and a refresh rate of up to 60 seconds.

Metals-API is the only source with midpoint exchange rate data. Midpoint rates are calculated using the average median rate of Bid and Ask for a certain time. Metals-API gathers information from some of the world’s most recognizable financial institutions. The JSON API (JavaScript Object Notation) reduces the requirement for each piece of software to write its ad hoc code to connect to servers that communicate in a certain way.

Published inAppsTechnology
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