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Check If Phone Numbers Are Still Current With An API

Do you want to check if phone numbers are still current easily and quickly? If the answer is yes, you should use this API!

It’s no surprise that SMS and telemarketing continue to lead the industry in lead generation and client retention; even though email marketing and social media marketing are gaining popularity in the business. This is clearly due to the fact that there are more than 6 billion smartphone owners worldwide.

However it is predicted that 5% of the phone numbers collected each year become inactive. Even though this number is much lower than email obsolescence, it still has a bigger impact because it is more expensive. For instance, sending a single SMS costs money, and this cost increases if the SMS is sent to a global phone number, whereas sending an email is completely no-cost.

Therefore, it is important that a business can verify if their clients’ phone numbers are still current. If they can detect phone numbers that are no longer active before the start of a campaing; they will be able to avoid wasting time and resources in invalid phone numbers. Luckily, they can use a phone number validation API to make this process easier and quickier.

Check If Phone Numbers Are Still Current With An API

What Is A Phone Numbers Validation API?

First things first: an API allows for data requests and data retrievals between various software programs. So you can use a phone number validation API as a tool to learn if a phone number is still current or not. The way this tool functions is by checking the format of the numbers, and if they are, it pings them to see if they are live and taking calls and messages.

Additionally, by using an API, you can find out reliable details about a phone number; such as its location, type, carrier company, and more. This is specially beneficial to marketing teams, because this information can help them develop foolproof marketing campaigns based on the location; carrier; and type of the validated phone numbers they have stored in their database.

So, if you are trying to check if the phone numbers present in your databse are still current, we advise you to use an API that is both secure and dependable. As a result, we recommend using Phone Number Validatior API, a reliable tool that can be found at Zyla API Hub; and has recently gained popularity due to its efficiency.

Check If Phone Numbers Are Still Current With An API

How To Check The Validity Of A Phone Number

Phone Number Validator API is very easy to use and completely trustworthy. Simply follow these instructions to quickly verify the phone numbers on your database:

First, create an account at Zyla API Hub, a reputable marketplace for APIs. Then, you will receive an individual string of letters and numbers that will serve as your API key. You can use it to call Zyla API Hub’s APIs; including Phone Number Validator API.
Second,to authenticate your API key, include your bearer token in the Authorization header.
Finally, include the phone number you want to validate as a parameter in your API call. After that, call the API by using the Verification endpoint, then wait for a short while.

And that’s all. After you completed these instructions, you’ll receive the information within seconds. To learn more about this API visit Zyla API Hub.

Related post: Why Is Phone Validation Important And How To Do It Fast

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology