Each beginning of the year is a new opportunity to rethink the goals and objectives in order to move forward and take advantage of new technologies. In this sense, for the fourth and last installment of the special edition of Useful Economics, the editorial director of My Press, Sergio Cara spoke with Mr. Money Mario Mendoza about the new challenges that My Press will experience in 2019.
Within the innovation, the media will continue with the editorial line of business news, that is, with information aimed at the corporate market. “In this case what we do is unite the part of how is the impact of the economy in Mexican companies,” said the editorial director.
He also said that technology and industrial fintech issues will continue to be present in the next broadcasts and it is expected that they will boom because they are issues that position Mexico in the world in a positive way. Also, the capsules of useful economy will continue present during 2019.
On the other hand, as a company and means of communication for the benefit of the environment, Green Panorama will be created in the first months of that year. It’s a program that gathers information about the relationship between companies and the environment. A very important aspect is that AndrĂ©s Manuel’s administration has given ephemeral details of how much is really committed to the environment.
The purpose of the special edition of Useful Economy, of four deliveries in total, is to show the audience the trends that occurred during 2018 and the innovations expected in 2019. For the first installment, it was talked about that AMLO was a trend and at the most searched on Google in the year that he was elected President of Mexico.
In the second installment of the special edition, Sergio Cara and Mr. Money Mario Mendoza analyzed the ups and downs of inflation and markets in the country during 2018, and in the third part, they commented on the most relevant thing that happened with the Fintech Law and if this it benefits or not the banking in Mexico. 2019 is and will continue to be a year with new challenges and opportunities in the country, so My Press will continue to innovate to bring the best information to the audience.