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Can An API Get The Most Accurate Bad Words Detection?

We all know that there are some words that are considered offensive. Some people might not like hearing or reading these words. Therefore, it is best to avoid using them in one´s writing so as to maintain a friendly atmosphere.

When writing a book, blog post, or article, it can be difficult to decide which words to use and which words to avoid. There are many different types of words that can be considered toxic, profane or offensive.

Developers need to devise tools for their clients who need to scan their texts or content they take from the web and insert in their blog, article or website. To customize tools developers can use as a strong basis Bad Words Filter API. Each word has its own set of connotations and meanings, and there are some general guidelines that can help make sure the writing is appropriate for all audiences.

On speaking, words are hurting when the speaker gives them a hurting inflection. On writing it´s wise to avoid ambiguity, so it´s better to avoid phrases that might have some negative connotations or are used in a negative way. If one isn´t sure whether or not a word is offensive, it’s best to avoid using it altogether. Instead of using a word like “crazy” or “idiot,” choose more neutral terms like “unreasonable” or “stupid”, as the euphemism renders the same idea.

To keep one´s content safe, one must avoid such slurs like racial, homophobic and sexist, and language than can sound abusive and religiously offensive, or related to disabilities. Most of the times these precautions are not enough, that`s why the need for an automated software that scrapes the text to delete or substitute bad words. This cursing filter API is an efficient tool that guarantees safe texts.

Another recommendation is to be careful when using slang terms, as they´re often used in place of more formal language because they sound more casual and conversational. However, not everyone will understand them. To make a text accessible to a wide audience, it’s best to avoid slang terms unless one has certainty that one´s readers will understand them. Text writers must be sure of the target audience to make sure that the message reaches its destination without misunderstandings.

This censor bad words API is ideal for those users that want to filter any content that has bad words in it. It could be an article by one´s content creators that you want to upload on your site. Maybe you want to extract text from a blog or post and want to avoid bad words. This API is excellent for those who want to maintain a bad-words-free environment on their site, to prevent users from setting any offensive nicknames, if you have an integrated chat on your site, and to avoid toxicity with ease.

How To Get Started With This API

Once you count on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Bad Words Filter API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the search reference. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

Bad Words Filter API examines the input and processes the request using the resources available (AI and ML). In no time at all the application will retrieve an accurate response. The API has one endpoint to access the information: Content Filter, where you insert the text you need to scan for bad words. If the input is After what he said about black people, I can only say that he’s a racist piece of shit” in the endpoint, the response will look like this:

"censored-content": "After what he said about black people, I can only say that he’s a racist piece of ****",
"is-bad": true,
"bad-words-list": [
"bad-words-total": 1
Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology