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Calculate Carbon Footprint Instantly With This API

One of the primary factors contributing to global warming is the excessive emissions of this odorless, colorless gas made of oxygen and carbon. an issue brought on by human activities and made worse by CO2’s protracted atmospheric persistence. Even if an individual’s emissions are different from those produced by activities like transportation, it is now possible to calculate the carbon footprint because of technology like APIs.

How CO2 In The Atmosphere Has Increased And Why That’s Bad

Atmospheric carbon dioxide “inhabits” the atmosphere at a rate of 380 parts per million on average. Since the last 170 years, and at a tremendously accelerated rate over the last three decades, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed to scores that now reach 415 parts per million. Over the last 800,000 years, it fluctuated between 170 and 330 parts per million (very reasonable limits for the sustainability of the planet).

CO2 emissions have increased and are having effects. Although it is not the only gas that does so, it is one that does. The so-called greenhouse gases also include other natural gases like methane and nitrous oxide as well as man-made gases like fluorinated gases (GHG). In actuality, the rise of these pollutants in the atmosphere is what causes climate change, the climate emergency, or the climate crisis. These three phrases, which are all closely related, are used to characterize the Earth’s current global warming.

CO2 emissions have not decreased recently, according to official statistics. Of course, not all industrialized places produce the same levels of air pollution. Transportation (28%), industry (26%), power generation (23%), buildings (13%), and agriculture (12%) account for the majority of emissions. Not to add that the majority (80%) of GHGs come from fossil fuels.

Calculate Carbon Footprint Instantly With This API

What Is The Carbon Footprint And How Can It Be Measured?

The carbon footprint is the volume of greenhouse gases (GHG) left behind by human activity. This environmental indicator tracks emissions of gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and, most importantly, carbon dioxide, which is the most prevalent gas and has had the greatest impact on global warming since 1990. (CO2).

Businesses frequently have the choice to lower or offset their carbon footprint by, among other things, increasing their energy efficiency, using only renewable energy, running awareness campaigns, putting money into environmental projects, reimbursing green taxes, or purchasing tons of CO2 on the global emissions market.

Organizations take part in the same activities that cause individuals to emit greenhouse gases. The corporate carbon footprint assesses all of a company’s GHG emissions, regardless of whether they are direct or under direct management. By incorporating a Carbon Footprint API into operational platforms, this information may be easily given. Even sharing the outcomes on a website is possible with an API such as CarbonAPI.

Calculate Carbon Footprint Instantly With This API

Why CarbonAPI

Unquestionably, CarbonAPI is a crucial purchase for businesses of all sizes to help in the fight against climate change. With the help of this API, you may instantly calculate the emissions from various business units for qualitative analysis. With this knowledge, relevant policies to cut carbon emissions can be made. You can assess the effects of these policies with the use of the API.

Developers adore CarbonAPI‘s user-friendly design. Since it works with so many different programming languages, virtually any digital platform is compatible with it. You will therefore find it quite simple to demonstrate the effects of your policies to outside parties, for instance by including this API into a website. Do not put off implementing the modification. Use CarbonAPI and make a change!

Published inAppsTechnology
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