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Build A Website With Only Safe Content Using This API

Are you wondering how to build a website with only safe content using an API? Then, you are in the right place because here we will introduce you to the best confidence score API available in 2022 and much more!

If you are thinking of building a website for your company, then you should be very careful when posting content. You should bear in mind that your visitors need to develop trust in your brand, and for this, the condition of the website is critical. 

Fraud, cyberattacks, pishing, grooming, and data theft are just a few of the risks that exist online. Worst of all, a lot of them have an almost invisible appearance. Therefore, using a confidence score API may be the ideal option if you want to create a website that only contains secure content.

These APIs, also called domain reputation or content safety APIs, use artificial intelligence and powerful algorithms to determine whether a website is safe or not. 

In this way, by analysing both its content and its structure, they can provide a confidence rate on any URL or website, where 100 is totally safe and 0 is not safe at all. This is essential, as you can permanently analyse the status of your own website, as well as the status of the pages you link to your site. 

In addition, these APIs can provide a list of categories to which your site is associated. So, if you notice that pornography or drugs are also on this list, you can quickly realise that something is wrong and take the necessary measures to reverse it.

These APIs are necessary for everyone who wants to launch a business and ensure that search engines like Google will promote their website. In the event that this applies to you, we will introduce you to the top confidence rate API in the next section.

What Is The Best Content Safety API?

The best content safety API is Domain Reputation And Children Safety API and it is available for purchasing on the Zyla API Hub, the most reliable API marketplace in 2022.

It is the quickest and easiest to use because to its platform, which delivers responses in only a few seconds. You can classify any URL using this API according to its security status, domain reputation, and confidence score.

By using the Domain Reputation And Children Safety API you will get an immediate response that will determine whether a website is safe or not. This indicates whether it contains appropriate content, but also whether there is a possibility that you could suffer some kind of attack such as data theft, malware or cyber attacks. It is therefore highly recommended for companies that want to strengthen their security measures.

This API will give you a percentage from 1 to 100 to tell you how trustworthy and secure a URL or domain is. In addition, you will get a quick answer: “safe” or “not safe” will be the options, according to what the API considers. In addition, you will also get a list of categories that the analysed site is associated with. For all these reasons, we believe that this API is fundamental if you want to build a website with only safe content. You can check the status of your site permanently with this API to make sure it is secure.

Quick Guide On How To Use This

The following actions must be taken to ensure that Domain Reputation And Children Safety API is used correctly:

  1. Choose the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API from the Zyla API Hub.
  2. Verify your identity following the creation of an API Key.
  3. Enter the URL that is being examined and assessed.
  4. Analyze the outcomes.

We have already told you how to build a website with only safe content using an API and recommended to you the best content safety API available. Give it a try and make sure your content is safe!

Published inAppsTechnology