Would you like to browse the internet without exposing your personal information? You often need to create a user account to test applications, web services or just sign a petition on change.org. Even, sometimes many places ask you your information if you want to use the wifi. For all of these, you would need to put your email address.
The normal thing is using your email account but, if you use this to all the websites, at the end, you will have your mailbox full of spam or unwanted emails. Obviously, you can create another Gmail or Outlook, but eventually, you will have it full of trash again…
The other dangerous part, is that each email has personal data of everyone. It is something that we should not lose sight of, because at the least opportune moment, we could be victims of scams or sale of information. Nobody wants that. Fortunately, exist a useful tool that we can use to avoid the previously named. This wonderful invent is called “Disposable Email Address”.

What is a disposable email address?
It is used to have an email account for a short period of time. After that, the account is completely deleted and, with it, all the emails that have arrived. Best part, you do not have the need to register personal data of any kind: name, surname, telephone number, home’s address, nothing. In this way, we don’t expose your data to scammers or information sellers.
How long does disposable mail address last?
Depends of your needs, you can programate to eliminate this email after 10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, ecc.
Where can I create a disposable email address?
There are so many options, but we definitely recommend Mailet. With this service, you can create a disposable email address without signing up and access the emails that enter your inbox for two hours. If you sign up to Mailet, you can get the free plan and extend this for 3 days, 7 days with the Basic plan ($29.99/monthly) and 30 days with the Pro plan ($199.99/monthly). Depending on what you choose, you can have 1, 10 or even 100 email addresses at the same time!

Also published on Medium.