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Boost Your Site Traffic And Conversion Rate Using This API

Do you want to try a good API to boost your website’s traffic and conversion rate? In this article, we’ll tell you more about it and how to use it.

In the digital age, with the Internet becoming the new frontier for commerce and communication, website traffic is a significant factor for business success. Businesses that have a high volume of traffic to their websites are more likely to succeed than those that do not. Your website’s traffic is an indicator of how many visitors it receives.

To learn more about your rivals, you can use an Alternative API To Google Analytics. These APIs can provide information on a variety of topics, like how many visitors they receive each month and their bounce rate. This can help you understand where they are doing well and where they need to do better.

Boost Your Site Traffic And Conversion Rate Using This API

To increase the amount of visitors to your website, you need to focus on these four things. It is important to note that there are no guarantees when it comes to increasing website traffic; however, there are some things you can do to improve your chances. A high level of traffic can also be used as a marketing tool. If you have a lot of visitors, you can send an email campaign to them and ask them to buy something from you.

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who make a purchase or complete another goal on your website. To increase the conversion rate, you must first understand how it is calculated. The number of completed goals divided by the total number of visitors is the conversion rate.

As we can see, both metrics are related and can provide valuable information about how well your business is doing. However, each one has its own purpose, so you must use both if you want to get the best results.

Site Traffic API

Boost Your Site Traffic And Conversion Rate Using This API

You can learn where visitors are coming from on the website by using the Site Traffic API. Data on visitor demographics (by nation), typical monthly visits, and traffic sources (direct, social media, emails, etc.) can all be checked, presumably. 

Simply pass the webpage or URL that you want to visit. A breakdown of the traffic by country, monthly visits, engagement metrics like average visit duration, bounce rate, and pages per visit, as well as the traffic sources, will also be provided. Correct, they find their customers through online searches. Are sponsored adverts the ones that bring in the most visitors? You will learn that through this API. 

To Use It, Just Follow These Steps:

  • Visit Site Traffic API and select “START FREE TRIAL” to begin using the API.
  • Once you’ve registered in the Zyla API Hub, you’ll be ready to access the API.
  • Depending on what you’re looking for, use one of the many API endpoints.
  • Use the “test endpoint” button to launch an API call after finding the necessary endpoint and see the responses on your screen.

This API will enable developers to use the “Country List” and “Traffic Source and Overview” endpoints. As an illustration, let’s use the “Country List” Endpoint’s response that was delivered to us:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [{"name":"Afghanistan","alpha-2":"AF","alpha-3":"AFG","country-code":"004","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AF","region":"Asia","sub-region":"Southern Asia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"142","sub-region-code":"034","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Åland Islands","alpha-2":"AX","alpha-3":"ALA","country-code":"248","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AX","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Northern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"154","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Albania","alpha-2":"AL","alpha-3":"ALB","country-code":"008","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AL","region":"Europe","sub-region":"Southern Europe","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"150","sub-region-code":"039","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"Algeria","alpha-2":"DZ","alpha-3":"DZA","country-code":"012","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:DZ","region":"Africa","sub-region":"Northern Africa","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"002","sub-region-code":"015","intermediate-region-code":""},

{"name":"American Samoa","alpha-2":"AS","alpha-3":"ASM","country-code":"016","iso_3166-2":"ISO 3166-2:AS","region":"Oceania","sub-region":"Polynesia","intermediate-region":"","region-code":"009","sub-region-code":"061","intermediate-region-code":""},


As you can see, you will be given a list of all the supported countries along with their codes. The code will be included in the traffic analysis. We had to shorten it because of the size of the response.

You can sort your database using whatever criteria you wish by using the Data Engineer API. Are you curious to see which URLs receive the most traffic? Maybe you want to know which pages have the highest bounce rates. What URLs entice users to remain more time? Additionally, you may use this API to evaluate the performance of your own page. After observing user behavior, conclusions might be drawn based on the measurements acquired. Identify the value of the pages’ and the rankings’ net worth.

Never use this API to send HTTP or HTTPS queries. Moreover, avoid beginning the domain with www. Please only include the domain, such as “,” “,” etc. Subdomains are not supported either. merely root domains.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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