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Bogon IP Detection API: Accurate Bogon IP Identification

In the ever-evolving landscape of web security, developers face the continuous challenge of ensuring that their applications are protected from malicious activities. One effective solution to this challenge is utilizing a reliable IP identification tool. Enter ipXapi, a powerful Bogon IP Detection API that serves as an essential resource for developers looking to secure their networks. This post will explore what ipXapi is, how it works, and why it is the go-to solution for accurate Bogon IP identification.

What is ipXapi?

ipXapi is a comprehensive IP address analysis tool designed to provide developers with real-time data about the IP addresses accessing their applications. As a Bogon IP Detection API, it specializes in identifying Bogon IPs—those addresses that are not assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or are reserved for private use. This capability is crucial in maintaining the integrity of web applications and preventing unauthorized access.

Bogon IPs can be a significant risk factor. They often indicate that an IP address is either unregistered or potentially malicious, which can lead to various security threats. By integrating ipXapi into their systems, developers can easily identify these Bogon IPs, ensuring that they can take proactive measures to protect their applications.

Bogon IP Detection API: Accurate Bogon IP Identification

Accurate Bogon IP Identification

One of the standout features of ipXapi is its accuracy in identifying Bogon IPs. Developers can trust the data provided by this API, making it easier to differentiate between safe and potentially harmful IP addresses. The ability to accurately filter out Bogon IPs is especially important when handling sensitive operations, such as processing payments or user registrations.

For instance, if a developer notices that a customer is accessing their site from a Bogon IP or through a VPN, it serves as a red flag. Such users might be attempting to hide their true identity for malicious purposes. ipXapi enables developers to quickly flag these accounts for further scrutiny, helping to prevent fraud and maintain the integrity of their systems.

security”: {
“is_proxy”: false,
“proxy_type”: null,
“is_tor”: false,
“is_tor_exit”: false,
“threat_level”: “Low”,
“threat_score”: “13”,
“is_abuser”: false,
“is_attacker”: false,
“is_bogon”: false,
“is_cloud_provider”: false,
“is_relay”: false,
“is_vpn”: false,
“is_anonymous”: false,
“is_threat”: false

Enhanced Security Features

Beyond just Bogon IP identification, ipXapi has incorporated several interesting features into its response that bolster security. The security section of the API response provides crucial insights that developers can leverage to evaluate the risk associated with incoming IPs. For example, the API indicates whether an IP address is part of known anonymizing services, such as Tor or proxies. This information allows developers to make informed decisions about whether to trust a given IP.

Furthermore, ipXapi’s response includes details about the IP’s geolocation and ISP information. Understanding where an IP originates and which service provider it uses can add additional layers of context to security assessments. This is particularly useful for identifying patterns of abuse and potential sources of security threats.


In a world where online security is paramount, developers need reliable tools to protect their applications from potential threats. ipXapi, as a premier Bogon IP Detection API, offers the precise capabilities necessary for identifying and managing risky IP addresses. Its accurate Bogon IP identification and enhanced security features make it an indispensable asset for developers striving to maintain a secure environment.

Published inAPIAppsApps, technologyTechnologyTools
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