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Best IP Geolocation APIs APIs That Use Different Programming Languages

If you are in need of an API that uses different programming languages, read this article and find out how to access them.

Best IP Geolocation APIs APIs That Use Different Programming Languages

An IP geolocation API allows websites and services to determine the location of their visitors. IP geolocation services accomplish this by detecting their IP address using ip lookup. This is especially important when there is the possibility of fraud. Online stores are a classic example. If a user’s IP address does not match the country they’ve selected, this could indicate fraud. For obvious reasons, banking is another important use case. The catch is that there are ways to avoid this geolocation. If the user is using a VPN or a proxy, it will generate a spoof IP address that could be from anywhere in the world.

So, who are the top IP geolocation API providers if you’re looking for one? Where do they shine? This list includes a variety of vendors that use different programming languages. Let’s take a closer look at some intriguing alternatives that you can use without much complexity.

Best IP Geolocation APIs APIs That Use Different Programming Languages


When it comes to IP statics, ipXapi has a high level of accuracy. This is due to its large database and extremely user-friendly API. These are linked to a number of well-known ISPs, which provide information on new and current IP ranges on a regular basis. Furthermore, because it is linked to a large number of channels that provide real-time IP data, the API is constantly updated.

After 11 years of continuous optimization, the infrastructure that supports ipXapi and the API has evolved to be extremely scalable and efficient, processing between 2 and 3 billion API calls per day. Data coverage is constantly expanding, with ipXapi now supporting over 2 million unique locations in over 200.000 cities worldwide.

Best IP Geolocation APIs APIs That Use Different Programming Languages


Abstract has long-standing relationships with ISPs to source authoritative IP data, and it now covers over 250,000 cities worldwide. This is updated daily to ensure accuracy and uptime. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and it is encrypted using 256-bit SSL encryption over HTTPS. IP geolocation can provide extremely accurate location information such as latitude and longitude, time zone, and even the country as a flag or emoji. 

The two most expensive plans can also handle up to 500 requests per second. It can also detect VPNs, anonymizers, proxies, and crawlers. It is also available in a variety of programming languages and libraries such as cURL, JavaScript, jQuery, Node, JS, Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, Go, and Postman. All you have to do is choose the appropriate option, and the API key will be made available to you.

Best IP Geolocation APIs APIs That Use Different Programming Languages


Ip-api provides a version for no cost of their geolocation service that can deliver geolocation data as detailed as latitude and longitude, as well as an internet service provider. It can return responses in JSON, XML, CSV, Newline, and PHP. ip-api has servers all over the world and claims response times of less than 50 milliseconds in most cases.

Unlike other vendors, there are only two commercially priced versions, with little difference between the two. Even the less expensive of the two packages includes unlimited requests.

Published inAppsTechnology
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