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Best IP address APIs In 2022

Do you want to know the best IP address APIs? You should read this article, we show the best tools for you.

The term “IP address” refers to the Internet Protocol Address. An IP address is a unique number assigned to all computers, printers, routers, modems, and even refrigerators that are linked to the internet. 

The IP address identifies these devices and allows them to communicate with one another through a computer network, whether internal or external. An IP address will be issued to every device that transmits or receives internet traffic. With it, you will know the specific location of any user who visits your website.

If you want to obtain this data in real-time, you should use an Application Programming Interface (API) it is considered one of the most accurate technologies available. This technology collects data from a variety of sources and from a specific area before delivering it to the user who requested it.

Best IP address APIs In 2022

Furthermore, this technology delivers data such as the city, country, continent, time zone, currency, security, latitude, and longitude in real-time. You will also save time and money by not having to ask them for all of the information because this tool is quick.

If you want to get location of your users, we highly recommend using these IP addresses API:

1- Ipxapi 

Best IP address APIs In 2022

Ipxapi tracks the location of any user who visits your site by gathering their IP address, whether they have JavaScript enabled, and what time they visited. All reported information is available through our web interface and sent via HTTP to the remote server.

Ipxapi is the best tool for developers because it provides data in different language programmings such as JSON, Python, and PHP. This software is notable for giving up-to-date IP range information, which ensures accurate IP data.

Over 2 million different places can be found in over 200.000 cities around the world. You’ll also have access to 10.000 free requests each month. There’s also more information regarding security systems like proxies, crawlers, and tor.


Best IP address APIs In 2022

IP-API is a cost-effective API with a lot of functionality. It also has a free tier package that allows you to experiment with the APIs.

JSON, CSV, XML, and Newline are the data formats supported by the API. IP-API allows you to run a batch query and format the request to get the results you desire. You have the option of querying IPv4, IPv6, or URL.


Best IP address APIs In 2022

ipstack can identify the location of a device from an IP address and can deliver that information to you via JSON or XML. There are several reasons this is beneficial for developers everywhere, including affiliate networks that want to provide their affiliates with more targeted ads, but also governmental agencies and businesses involved in compliance issues.

HubSpot, Samsung, Microsoft, Airbnb, and thousands of other companies rely on them. The ipstack infrastructure can handle millions of queries each day.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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