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Best APIs To Get Agriculture Rates In 2022

Do you want to obtain agriculture rates? Then use an API!

Agriculture was an important step in the growth of sedentary human civilization, since it produced food surpluses that allowed people to live in cities. It has been practiced for thousands of years and, in the twentieth century, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture grew to dominate agricultural production, despite the fact that around 2 billion people still relied on subsistence agriculture.

Agriculture employs more than one-third of the world’s workforce, second only to the service sector, though in recent decades, the global trend of a decreasing number of agricultural workers has continued, particularly in developing countries where smallholdings are being supplanted by industrial agriculture and mechanization, resulting in enormous crop yield increases.

Best APIs To Get Agriculture Rates In 2022

Foods, textiles, fuels, and raw materials are the four primary agricultural products (such as rubber). Cereals (grains), vegetables, fruits, oils, meat, milk, eggs, and fungus are examples of food classes. So, if you wish to obtain rates of this type of products, then an API can definitely help.

About APIs

An API is a technology that collects data from a location and provides it to the person who requested the API. This is popular on many websites and is quite useful when you require current information as quickly as possible.

To get an API you need to choose a software that provides you with it. Since there are many of these online, we put together what we think are the best three for you to use:

1. Commodities-API

Best APIs To Get Agriculture Rates In 2022

Commodities-API is a public API that provides commodity pricing for commodities such as coffee, rice, sugar, and wheat for free. It can deliver statistics in whatever currency you desire, with an accuracy of two decimal points, from a list of more than 170 alternatives. You can also get data updates every 60 seconds and run 100.000 API requests every month.

For all commodities and currency rates, the API delivers midpoint data. The midpoint rate is calculated by averaging the median bid and ask rates during a certain time period. The same API endpoints are used to convert currency and commodity prices, and they may be used to convert any amount from one currency to another.

2. CommoPrices

Best APIs To Get Agriculture Rates In 2022

This API provides access to pricing and value data for over 10,500 commodities and indices. The data may be updated daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the source. The more liquid the market, the more often the data is released.

To obtain the information, go to and search for the commodity you’re seeking for. They utilize HTTPS to secure the requests between your browser and their servers.

3. Barchart

Best APIs To Get Agriculture Rates In 2022

Barchart was one of the first websites to provide data on commodities and futures markets. Is a global financial technology leader that provides market data and services to the financial, media, and commodities industries.

Its diversified client base relies on its unique data, software, and technology solutions to power its operations from front to back office, while their media brands supply financial and commodities professionals with web content, news, and magazines to assist them make decisions.

Published inAppsTechnology