We all know that an API for commodities prices is essential for every business. But as not everyone with the same programming languages, we have made a list of the 3 best APIs for commodities prices data that use different codes so you can try them and see which best suits you!
Commodity data is information on the buying and selling of commodities, such as natural resources, domestic goods, and materials shipped to foreign markets. This includes the kind of commodities, price fluctuations, their intended uses, who is purchasing and selling commodities, as well as any other information pertaining to trading commodities, particularly those elements that affect the state of the commodity market.
One category of financial market data is commodity data. This implies that the techniques and tools used to gather the majority of financial market data are also applicable to gathering data on commodities.

Research from research firms, trading information, economic data, the opinions of investors, traders, and buyers, as well as expert opinions, are some of these approaches and metrics. In addition to online services, regulatory agencies are a source of information for gathering commodity data. News aggregators are also a legitimate method for gathering information on the commodities market as a whole and its data.
Here we present a list of 3 APIs that will help you on obtaining price data in different languages.
Commodities-API by Zyla Labs
Agriculture rates use the commodities-API. Both recent and old agricultural data are collected. The most accurate API for commodity prices is here. Methanol and other item values are updated continuously in the chosen currency. You can use JSON, PHP, Python, or another language of your choice.

In addition, you can compare different types of data to analyze them so that the consumer can choose the best time to invest based on that illustration. With the Commodities-API, you can compare the costs of methanol, for instance, with those of other goods like gas, oil, or whatever you like. Additionally, you will receive details on futures contracts and current market pricing.
Commodities Pricing Data by S&P
You can use this program to obtain reliable commodity pricing information for the energy, metals, and soft markets. This API will support your accounting needs by providing superior, unbiased mark-to-market pricing for a wide range of commodities, including energy, metals, softs, and exotic options.

Its price comprises both conventional instruments and a wide range of unusual goods, supporting independent verification of trading book valuations. You will receive information on the forward curve, volatility, and correlations. Depending on the details of the data, delivery intervals are provided at the hourly, daily, monthly, quarterly, seasonal, and annual levels.
Reda more about it here https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/mi/products/pricing-data-commodities-data.html
Significant commodity categories’ current and historical prices are provided by Finnworlds: Metals are listed first, followed by energy commodities, industrial goods, agricultural goods, livestock goods, and finally, commodities.

A minimum of 4 years up to 110 years of history are covered. The data on commodity prices is frequently used as an input for trading platforms, applications, and financial software programs that employ current and historical prices of the world’s basic commodities.
Check it out here https://finnworlds.com/commodity-prices-api/