Are you trying to do email marketing for multi-level marketing? We have the best tools for you.
Many companies employ multi-level marketing (MLM) which is a method to sell products and services. Participants are compensated based on the sales of their recruits. Commissions are paid to members at all levels, thus the more layers there are, the more money people can make.
With email marketing, your sales can be increased because you can promote your business. Generally, email marketing is used for providing information every time about new products and personalizing your interactions with customers.

However, some websites don’t allow this kind of advertising because multi-level marketing is considered a pyramid schemed. That’s why it is not easy to find a website that allows you to send out email marketing about it.
If you tried GetResponse and didn’t receive the results you intended, try these programs instead, and your campaign will get more optimization.
Postr is considered one of the best email marketing, if you want to launch your first multi-marketing campaign, you should use this tool because your content won’t be banned and the optimization is really high. Besides, Postr offers a variety of templates with different designs. It was really useful for over 50,000 businesses to send over 56 million emails, and they’re only getting started. Clients include bloggers, journalists, tourists, YouTubers, and artists.
This tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that each email you send achieves the best potential result. You may also find Al-drive algorithms on this site, which will show you the best days and times to send emails in order to get the best results. You can also use automatically generated one-to-one tailored information for each recipient.
2- Drip
Drip is one of the best tools for email marketing, it is ideal for businesses, bloggers, and digital marketers. This website offers a variety of marketing automation, sales funnel, and customization options.
This is compatible with WordPress and Woocommerce. This makes adding pop-ups / opt-in sign-up forms to your website and collecting more leads a breeze.
Several of our companies utilize Drip because it allows us to send mass emails while still talking and engaging with each client on a personal level with their brilliant eCommerce marketing automation. All of their programs include SMS notification, allowing you to engage with your customers through both email and SMS marketing channels.
Also published on Medium.